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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Proverbs 8: Righteous Words and the Fear of the Lord

I am a little late in writing today, and as such this may be a shorter entry. Truth be told, I am not sure what to take from Proverbs 8 (and 9 as well for tomorrow). I believe after Chapter 10 we will see more of the conventional wisdom that many are used to when thinking about Proverbs as a whole. 

"All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them." Proverbs 8:8

I see this as an aspiration. If only all of the words of our mouths were in righteousness. People can say some pretty hateful things sometimes. I've been the victim and I've been the predator in this respect. I have taken my share of hateful words thrown at me, and I likely (though probably not in recent memory) have said some hurtful things. 

The word Righteousness seems like a high goal for humans in general. As Christians, we have Christ's sacrifice to make us righteous. For non-Christians what is their aspiration? Do they also seek righteousness in living? More than likely they would not call it righteousness. 

The Christian walk is hard. It is going to get harder as time goes by. Times will be worse before they get better. Those out there hoping for peace on earth and everyone loving everyone, will soon realize that until Christ returns in final victory--this earth is going to always be a place of war. The Bible promises no such peace until Christ establishes his Earthly kingdom-and after that, the New Heavens and New Earth. 

I will try to do an "endtimes" post at some point, as it is a topic I have dedicated much study to, and probably my strongest Biblical area. For now, suffice to say that our highest aspiration as Christians should be to have a righteous tongue. This goes hand in hand with living righteously. It occurs to me that no matter how much I wish all of my friends and family to Christ, it will not be my words that someday win them over. If anything, it is going to be action based. 

Take the Baptist church that does all the protesting of funerals for example. This is not Christianity. We are called to hate sin, but we are not called to be outright rude and disruptive to the world. Look around and you will see tons of people giving Christianity a bad name. Christians are fallen just like everyone else, but when we are made new by Christ, we are called to live righteously. I think there are some pretty well known "Christians" out there giving Christianity a bad name. 

Christianity is also not to be considered a "religion," though of course there was an early church, and certainly there are guidelines and rules. This is where the world often gets it wrong. They turn from us because they want nothing to do with a man-made religion. And in truth, the religion of Christianity is man-made. 

It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that truly defines what Christianity should be about. Now before you all come after me saying I hate churches or something, bear in mind that as Christians, are best practice is to fellowship with like-minded individuals. Church is important because fellowship is important. I can't randomly go to a grocery store and talk to a stranger hoping that He or she will build up my faith and help my Christian walk. But I can go to my home church and be around spiritual people. Yes there are sometimes wolves in sheep's clothing--but that is not your problem. God knows who are His own, and the so-called hypocrites will be accountable someday. 

Therefore, do not fear the church. If you claim Christianity, embrace the church. You can pray anywhere. I listen to podcasts from another Pastor when I cannot make it to church. But it isn't until I step through the doors that I feel truly surrounded by Christianity. I am blessed to have a wife who shares my faith. Statistically-couples who worship together even have a 10% or less divorce rate. And the world says Christians are the problem...seems like we have it right in that regard. 

There are always hypocrites--but is it not hypocritical of you to avoid Christian fellowship on the off chance that someone somewhere in the congregation drank the night before. That someone had premarital sex the night before. That someone did drugs the night before. Let the LORD worry for His own, and worry about your own spiritual growth. Share experience and relate to one another. No one at church is perfect---that's WHY they are at church! 

Praise God for the people who are solid in their faith-they can be an example to the rest of us who struggle sometimes daily to maintain the Christian lifestyle.

"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride, and arrogance, and the evil way and the froward mouth, do I hate." Proverbs 8:13

Fearing God is not like a horror movie where you are literally afraid. The Fear of the Lord is to respect His way. If you even begin to call yourself a Christian, but you do not accept God's law and Christ's sacrifice--then you have much to learn. 

We can argue all day about details with each other...but there are fundamental FACTS of Christianity that one needs to truly be a Christian. 

Fact: we are all sinners fallen short of God's glory
Fact: We cannot achieve salvation of our own accord (no matter how much the world wants you to be self sufficient on this)
Fact: Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins--so that by accepting His gift and acknowledging what he as done, we are made a new creation in Him. 
Fact: Jesus was fully God and fully man and lived a perfect life to become the ultimate sacrifice for Humanity.
Fact: Jesus was born of a virgin-conceived by the Holy Spirit 
Fact: Jesus came into the world not as a king, but in the most lowly position possible, so that no matter where you are in life, you can relate to Him. He didn't come decked out in jewels and riches, but was born in a lowly manger--proving that no matter what you are struggling with in life, someone knows how you feel.

These are just some of many fundamentals. The details are more in regards to is the rapture real? Which denomination is most accurate? Can women be preachers? Is the Earth literally 6000 years old or did God start evolution? (Hint: Ken Ham has great insight on this). These are things that we can butt heads all day about--but not get anywhere. 

I have strong opinions, but it is only through the fundamental truths of Christianity that the world will ever see us as more than just a joke--or someone to kill with strong debate. 

Let the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in God's sight--so they'll know we are Christians by our lives and how we live them--not by how much theology we can spit out at them-

Walk the walk my brothers and sisters--walk the walk-

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