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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Proverbs 31: A Wife Who Loves the LORD is a Treasure
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30
Well friends, we've made it to the end of the month and our last proverb. I really was not sure what I would talk about having only read the chapter prior to writing. I have approached this with as much care as I was able. I may have been offensive at times, but I hope above all I was honest to myself and my beliefs. I hope I have encouraged you, as I know being able to write freely has encouraged me.
I knew after reading the above verse, whom this edition would be inspired by. So without further adieu, let's get into it.
I first met my wife, Juliet, in summer 2006 on a mission trip to Mexico. I was added to the list of people going rather late, as I believe someone had backed out last minute. I went as a sponsor of sorts since I was attending college at the time. I readied for the trip and jokingly told my buddy Nick that I would meet a beautiful Mexican gal while there. That's the only time I've been prophetic.
Meanwhile, in Mexico, Juliet Otero was happily working as a translator for mission teams coming to Rio Bravo through Manos Juntas Mexico. Her father, Julian Otero (awesome guy) was a manager or coordinator there (the guy in charge basically-not sure of title). The week our team was going, was her vacation. At the last minute, she had been asked to come help translate for our team due to a need for more translators. She had agreed, not knowing that decision would change her life.
I don't recall all of the details of our first day on the worksite, but I do recall noticing her immediately, and probably creepily watching her work (hey it worked out for good so hang in there). Keith Garrison, one of the adults on the trip, remembers seeing how I looked at her and says he knew that we would get married. I'm not sure I knew at that moment, but she did seem special.
Maybe because of the way he saw me look at her, it was suggested I spend day two playing guitar and entertaining the team. This may also have been due to my lack of manual labor skills. Either way, I "wooed" her with music the next couple days.
On the final day at the worksite, we exchanged email addresses, expecting just to possibly chat a bit online. As soon as I got home, I emailed her, asking if she remembered me and just saying hi.
From what she says, this threw her for a loop as she didn't expect me to contact her...and so the relationship began after a few months of chatting, and me sending videos to her of my singing.
To say that everything aligned just right the day we met would be an understatement. And here is where I will tie it back to the proverb above. God knew how I was constantly feeling like I needed to date someone. He knew that I had finally said I was going to stop looking. He probably heard me brag that I would meet a Mexican girl because I like to think He has a sense of humor. He knew Juliet would show up that week even though she was not scheduled, and He knew I would get to join the trip the last minute. The reason I believe this is because we are both people of strong faith in God. I would have expected (based on stereotyping that I shouldn't do) that she would have been a Catholic, but she was Methodist, like me. Rather than struggling over religious issues, we basically believed the same.
The Bible is very emphatic that if we get married, we are to marry other believers. Now I know many out there may be yoked with non-belivers, and if God has placed that in your life, your job as the Christian in the relationship is to continue to be an example unto them. The greatest joy of our marriage though is knowing we share faith. We have long conversations. We sometimes disagree, but most often, we are of same mind.
And being married to a woman who is of same mind spiritually is the connection God intended. It's right there in the Bible numerous times, and Paul spoke on this as well. We know in our hearts that our marriage will stay strong, no matter the trial, because we are centered on God at the heart.
Do we sometimes fight? Yes. Are we always leading the best Christian lives? No. But I am married to a woman who fears the LORD. And as I've said before, fearing the LORD is not being afraid, but showing proper respect. We both respect God and strive to keep Him first in our marriage.
The proverb says that the woman who feareth the LORD shall be praised, and I know I certainly praise God everyday for arranging our circumstances the way they turned out. I am thankful for her everyday, whether I always show it or not. She is constantly on my mind even when she isn't my current thought. We are one in holy matrimony, the way it was intended. There is no better feeling than knowing that your marriage pleases the LORD.
Our biggest struggle lately is learning to pray together. I have no doubt we would grow much stronger in our faith, but I am still timid in this regard (and praying out loud in general). The times we have prayed, it is easy to see that she has the faith like a child that Jesus was speaking about. She respects the LORD, but knows He is her friend as well. He knows her heart and what her passions are.
If you notice in a recent post I made about where you will be in 100 years, she wrote something like "that's a niiiiice Jesus." It may seem silly at first, but knowing that she speaks like that when her pure love for something is coming through, makes it a very special comment. It warms my heart.
I don't know if God will have animals for her to care for someday in Heaven, but I know He knows that she gets a special feeling around animals.
I am truly blessed to be in a spiritual marriage. I can understand cynicism in marriage these days with the high divorce rate, but I truly believe that when both individuals are truly putting God first, not just going through the motions, that He will bless the marriage and it will endure.
You probably are thinking, "talk to me in 20 years if you're still together," and of course based on society today that's a legitimate statement. But it is at its heart a statement of unbelief. Marriage was created by God. When your marriage is spiritually sound, God is with you.
If you are the only believer in a two person marriage, pray that God would move the heart of your spouse. You've gotten the first part right by committing to marriage and not just living together, but for it to be truly blessed, you need to be an example to your spouse. Be accountable to God with each other. It is a wonderful place to be.
I hope none of you take offense at this because I am aware that marriages do fall apart everyday. I am a product of a broken home as well. But the Bible is very clear on the subject, so I speak not as an immature young man, but with scriptural backing.
I would just like to close by saying that I love you Juliet, and you are my best blessing from God.
*I hope this month has been a blessing to all of you as it has to me. I am writing simply as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings, and if others can benefit from them, God willing, so much the better.
I will have a mix of spiritual and normal posts from this point on, and actually already have a humorous one in mind. I welcome comments, but am really doing this as an uncensored outlet for myself. I hope as you come along with me on my journey, God will speak to you through my words. I pray God may use me to bless you whether in spiritual or practical posts.
Thank you for your support during this one-month commitment I made to the Lord. Your comments and support have kept me motivated!
Blessings my friends!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Proverbs 30: Talkin' Bout my G-G-Generation
"There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness." Proverbs 30:12
Friends, we are living in tough times for Christians. Not yet physically tough, but mentally and spiritually, we are under assault. Many of us might not be fully experiencing it yet, but for those truly living for the Gospel, it will come.
The early church was much different than what it has become. I am all for grace preaching and prosperity, and I do believe God provides for those within His will who give to Him as well, but when we look back to the early days of the church, it was less about prosperity and more about suffering.
Paul writes extensively on the sufferings of the early church, and if I"m not mistaken, all or very close to all of the original disciples died deaths of martyrs for Christ.
Nowadays we preach that God wants us all blessed, and that is true to an extent. But with blessings also come sufferings sometimes. To completely erase the suffering from the gospel is to take away its very heart. It's not our favorite thing to discuss, but being a Christian is not without its costs. IF it were all fun and games and blessings and money falling from the sky, this generation would be clambering at the church doors. As it is, this generation is falling far from Christianity.
Not everyone. There are still many active churches, experiencing great revival. From a media standpoint (and being a Journalism major, this would be my area) Christians are extremely persecuted. Muslims are treated better in the United States and with more respect than even the best Christian leaders. Perhaps our nation bends over backwards for them out of fear. Regardless, popular media does not like Christianity.
Sometimes I don't blame them. Have you heard Christians speaking lately? Have you seen them picketing funerals and cursing people to Hell? I've said before we are called to rebuke, but not to judge. We are to hate the sin and love the sinner. Sometimes our hatred of sin causes hatred of sinner by default. This is NOT ok. I'm guilty of it at times. You are too. Welcome to the club. It's called humanity. God hates it. I hate it. The only people who don't hate that kind of behavior are the people participating.
I am against homosexuality, abortion, and all the hot button issues, but I am against them from a Biblical standpoint. I will not go around condemning them, but I am not going to be afraid of rebuking. In all honesty, I know gay people and I know women who have had abortions, and I see them no differently than anyone else.
What if someone were to project all of your darkest sins on a giant projector for all to see? That wouldn't feel too great. I'm sure likewise it doesn't feel great when Christians are screaming at and picketing specific sins, while simultaneously ignoring their own private demons.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect. I've been guilty of cynicism towards sins that I don't practice. But I also have a laundry list of sin that is equally bad in God's eyes that I would prefer stay between Him and I. I have repented. It is forgotten. Washed clean--but with repentance comes turning from that sin.
There have been sins that I cannot seem to get rid of. No matter how I try, I fall again. I pray for forgiveness and am forgiven, but my human nature fights my desire for a Godly lifestyle. How do we deal with this?
Well according to the Word, we are never going to be perfect. We are made perfect by Christ's sacrifice, but we will never pull it off on our own. Therefore, no matter how repentant we may be, it is always possible to fall back into old habits, sins, temptations, etc...
I believe true forgiveness comes from repenting with a sincere desire to cease and desist. God knows you may fall back again, but He also knows you are marked for Him, and Christ's blood was for this very thing.
The blood of Christ did two important things. Number one is what we focus on the most. It washes away our sins. Perhaps even more importantly though, (number 2 if you will) it satisfies God's wrath/judgment. God hates sin. Humans are born to sin. God loves humans, but cannot be in full fellowship with them unless something covers the sin. Christ died for our sins. His blood is the final piece of the puzzle. We are taught that by trusting in His blood and sacrifice, God's judgment is satisfied. We can fellowship with Him. BUT, it is ONLY through Christ. Christ alone. There are not fifty different paths. There is one. Only one person died for our sins. Only one person serves as mediator between God and sinful man. If you want to fellowship with God eternally, you must be covered by Christ's sacrifice. This is where the terms "Born-again" and "saved" come from. They are straight from the Bible. These are not scary words. Salvation, born-again, saved, ---I'm still Chris after saying those words. I didn't transform into what you would call a "holy Roller." Or maybe you do see me that way. I hope so. I wasn't always trying to be this close to God. I embrace the stigma of Christianity. I am not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should any Christian be.
Don't let the media wash away your desire to preach salvation by Christ alone. At least for now, no one is physically stopping you. And even if they were, no one said following Christ would be easy. That's probably why He said "take up your CROSS and follow me." Not grab some snacks and a scooter and ride along next to me at a comfortable cruising speed.
There is one chapter left of my Proverbs blogs, and though all of them were unplanned and typed at the speed of thought, I hope some of you, or all of you have benefited in some way.
Once again, allow me to extend to opportunity to those of you who might not yet know Christ as your savior, to pray. Acknowledge you are a sinner. You cannot save yourself, and need Christ's sacrifice to cover your sin and satisfy God's judgement. IT is a free gift, by faith, not works. But once saved, we are called to do good works so that our reward in Heaven will be that much greater.
I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far. Who knows what tomorrow's chapter will bring. Hopefully something wonderful. God Bless!
Friends, we are living in tough times for Christians. Not yet physically tough, but mentally and spiritually, we are under assault. Many of us might not be fully experiencing it yet, but for those truly living for the Gospel, it will come.
The early church was much different than what it has become. I am all for grace preaching and prosperity, and I do believe God provides for those within His will who give to Him as well, but when we look back to the early days of the church, it was less about prosperity and more about suffering.
Paul writes extensively on the sufferings of the early church, and if I"m not mistaken, all or very close to all of the original disciples died deaths of martyrs for Christ.
Nowadays we preach that God wants us all blessed, and that is true to an extent. But with blessings also come sufferings sometimes. To completely erase the suffering from the gospel is to take away its very heart. It's not our favorite thing to discuss, but being a Christian is not without its costs. IF it were all fun and games and blessings and money falling from the sky, this generation would be clambering at the church doors. As it is, this generation is falling far from Christianity.
Not everyone. There are still many active churches, experiencing great revival. From a media standpoint (and being a Journalism major, this would be my area) Christians are extremely persecuted. Muslims are treated better in the United States and with more respect than even the best Christian leaders. Perhaps our nation bends over backwards for them out of fear. Regardless, popular media does not like Christianity.
Sometimes I don't blame them. Have you heard Christians speaking lately? Have you seen them picketing funerals and cursing people to Hell? I've said before we are called to rebuke, but not to judge. We are to hate the sin and love the sinner. Sometimes our hatred of sin causes hatred of sinner by default. This is NOT ok. I'm guilty of it at times. You are too. Welcome to the club. It's called humanity. God hates it. I hate it. The only people who don't hate that kind of behavior are the people participating.
I am against homosexuality, abortion, and all the hot button issues, but I am against them from a Biblical standpoint. I will not go around condemning them, but I am not going to be afraid of rebuking. In all honesty, I know gay people and I know women who have had abortions, and I see them no differently than anyone else.
What if someone were to project all of your darkest sins on a giant projector for all to see? That wouldn't feel too great. I'm sure likewise it doesn't feel great when Christians are screaming at and picketing specific sins, while simultaneously ignoring their own private demons.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect. I've been guilty of cynicism towards sins that I don't practice. But I also have a laundry list of sin that is equally bad in God's eyes that I would prefer stay between Him and I. I have repented. It is forgotten. Washed clean--but with repentance comes turning from that sin.
There have been sins that I cannot seem to get rid of. No matter how I try, I fall again. I pray for forgiveness and am forgiven, but my human nature fights my desire for a Godly lifestyle. How do we deal with this?
Well according to the Word, we are never going to be perfect. We are made perfect by Christ's sacrifice, but we will never pull it off on our own. Therefore, no matter how repentant we may be, it is always possible to fall back into old habits, sins, temptations, etc...
I believe true forgiveness comes from repenting with a sincere desire to cease and desist. God knows you may fall back again, but He also knows you are marked for Him, and Christ's blood was for this very thing.
The blood of Christ did two important things. Number one is what we focus on the most. It washes away our sins. Perhaps even more importantly though, (number 2 if you will) it satisfies God's wrath/judgment. God hates sin. Humans are born to sin. God loves humans, but cannot be in full fellowship with them unless something covers the sin. Christ died for our sins. His blood is the final piece of the puzzle. We are taught that by trusting in His blood and sacrifice, God's judgment is satisfied. We can fellowship with Him. BUT, it is ONLY through Christ. Christ alone. There are not fifty different paths. There is one. Only one person died for our sins. Only one person serves as mediator between God and sinful man. If you want to fellowship with God eternally, you must be covered by Christ's sacrifice. This is where the terms "Born-again" and "saved" come from. They are straight from the Bible. These are not scary words. Salvation, born-again, saved, ---I'm still Chris after saying those words. I didn't transform into what you would call a "holy Roller." Or maybe you do see me that way. I hope so. I wasn't always trying to be this close to God. I embrace the stigma of Christianity. I am not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should any Christian be.
Don't let the media wash away your desire to preach salvation by Christ alone. At least for now, no one is physically stopping you. And even if they were, no one said following Christ would be easy. That's probably why He said "take up your CROSS and follow me." Not grab some snacks and a scooter and ride along next to me at a comfortable cruising speed.
There is one chapter left of my Proverbs blogs, and though all of them were unplanned and typed at the speed of thought, I hope some of you, or all of you have benefited in some way.
Once again, allow me to extend to opportunity to those of you who might not yet know Christ as your savior, to pray. Acknowledge you are a sinner. You cannot save yourself, and need Christ's sacrifice to cover your sin and satisfy God's judgement. IT is a free gift, by faith, not works. But once saved, we are called to do good works so that our reward in Heaven will be that much greater.
I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far. Who knows what tomorrow's chapter will bring. Hopefully something wonderful. God Bless!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Proverbs 28 and 29: Alms for the Soul
I included a special blog prior to this one on the 28th, so this is a combination from Proverbs 28 & 29. We are almost through our Proverb a day in January blogging. I am not sure what I will speak to after this, but I thank you all for joining me on this ride. If you have a spare moment, read "Betty Jean Birthday Blog."
"He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse." Proverbs 28:27
"The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it." Proverbs 29:7
Oh, how often I have turned my eyes from someone begging. I am not proud to admit this. It is difficult in our society to distinguish between the truly needy, and those looking for an easy buck. Perhaps as Christians we are called to harken unto the needs of all who seek help--whatever their intention.
I live in Austin where every street corner has someone with a cardboard sign. Some signs pull at your heart, some are hilarious, and others are repeats of what a previous sign said. Sometimes there are men and women, sometimes people disabled, sometimes puppies sitting with them.
I had never experienced seeing so many begging for help or money or work until moving to a larger city. Austin is not huge, but it is a step larger than Oklahoma's cities that I had visited--though perhaps it is confined to certain areas there.
How are we to handle this? If I always had cash on me, I would probably be handing out money left and right...but is it out of wanting to better circumstances..or perceived obligation?
I'm not sure if God is calling me to give a dollar to every person begging for money on the street, but I do know that He said in the Word, whatever you do unto the least of these you do unto me (paraphrase). That's all well and good, but again I don't always have anything to offer, and my human mind wants to try to judge the worthiness of their circumstances. It is common knowledge that here in Austin, many people beg on the street as a second job--and make good money off of people's misplaced generosity.
The times that I have had an extra dollar to give, I've felt helpful--even if it seems minor to me, maybe they really did need it. The best situation I had though was the opportunity to buy a meal for someone. This man had a sign that just said he was hungry--and coincidentally was on a corner near a Wendy's. Juliet and I drove through and got a combo meal with a coke (not knowing his preference it was a good bet coke was ok), and took it to him at the stoplight. His face lit up. This is what he needed. Sustenance. Not a dollar, not two dollars. Not a friendly smile. This particular man needed food.
I don't have an answer to how I should be handling the many homeless in Austin. I did think one hot day I could take them all water---but somehow backed out of that idea.
Let's sum it up then in a general way. If you find yourself in a position to help someone in need, and you have the means to do so...do it. I will work towards this as well. Don't worry about what will happen afterwards--whether they abuse your generosity or humbly accept it. Let God worry about that side of things. Share a good word...buy a meal..give a dollar...whatever you are led to do. Don't prejudge because of cynicism. Let the LORD lead you. If you have nothing to offer, pray that someone behind you will.
It is by grace we are saved through faith, not of works---but once saved, the desire to do good works is within us. We are still rewarded someday--but we should not rely on works for salvation. There is only salvation in Jesus Christ. Whether you find that statement offensive or not is not for me to worry about. You shall know the truth, and it will set you free. The cross was blood shed for our sins, but more than that, it was blood shed to satisfy God's justice...His wrath if I may boldly say. A fully Just and Holy God cannot be in presence with sin--we are all sinners--ergo Christ's sacrifice is the ONLY way you will spend eternity with your loving creator.
Where will you be in 100 years? We will all stand before God someday. If He asked you why you should be allowed into Heaven, what would you say? Would you spit out all of your good works and your accomplishments...or will you trust in Jesus' sacrifice to cover you, and allow you into the eternal presence of God? Christ said you are either for Him or against Him. Isn't it time to take a stand?
"He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse." Proverbs 28:27
"The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it." Proverbs 29:7
Oh, how often I have turned my eyes from someone begging. I am not proud to admit this. It is difficult in our society to distinguish between the truly needy, and those looking for an easy buck. Perhaps as Christians we are called to harken unto the needs of all who seek help--whatever their intention.
I live in Austin where every street corner has someone with a cardboard sign. Some signs pull at your heart, some are hilarious, and others are repeats of what a previous sign said. Sometimes there are men and women, sometimes people disabled, sometimes puppies sitting with them.
I had never experienced seeing so many begging for help or money or work until moving to a larger city. Austin is not huge, but it is a step larger than Oklahoma's cities that I had visited--though perhaps it is confined to certain areas there.
How are we to handle this? If I always had cash on me, I would probably be handing out money left and right...but is it out of wanting to better circumstances..or perceived obligation?
I'm not sure if God is calling me to give a dollar to every person begging for money on the street, but I do know that He said in the Word, whatever you do unto the least of these you do unto me (paraphrase). That's all well and good, but again I don't always have anything to offer, and my human mind wants to try to judge the worthiness of their circumstances. It is common knowledge that here in Austin, many people beg on the street as a second job--and make good money off of people's misplaced generosity.
The times that I have had an extra dollar to give, I've felt helpful--even if it seems minor to me, maybe they really did need it. The best situation I had though was the opportunity to buy a meal for someone. This man had a sign that just said he was hungry--and coincidentally was on a corner near a Wendy's. Juliet and I drove through and got a combo meal with a coke (not knowing his preference it was a good bet coke was ok), and took it to him at the stoplight. His face lit up. This is what he needed. Sustenance. Not a dollar, not two dollars. Not a friendly smile. This particular man needed food.
I don't have an answer to how I should be handling the many homeless in Austin. I did think one hot day I could take them all water---but somehow backed out of that idea.
Let's sum it up then in a general way. If you find yourself in a position to help someone in need, and you have the means to do so...do it. I will work towards this as well. Don't worry about what will happen afterwards--whether they abuse your generosity or humbly accept it. Let God worry about that side of things. Share a good word...buy a meal..give a dollar...whatever you are led to do. Don't prejudge because of cynicism. Let the LORD lead you. If you have nothing to offer, pray that someone behind you will.
It is by grace we are saved through faith, not of works---but once saved, the desire to do good works is within us. We are still rewarded someday--but we should not rely on works for salvation. There is only salvation in Jesus Christ. Whether you find that statement offensive or not is not for me to worry about. You shall know the truth, and it will set you free. The cross was blood shed for our sins, but more than that, it was blood shed to satisfy God's justice...His wrath if I may boldly say. A fully Just and Holy God cannot be in presence with sin--we are all sinners--ergo Christ's sacrifice is the ONLY way you will spend eternity with your loving creator.
Where will you be in 100 years? We will all stand before God someday. If He asked you why you should be allowed into Heaven, what would you say? Would you spit out all of your good works and your accomplishments...or will you trust in Jesus' sacrifice to cover you, and allow you into the eternal presence of God? Christ said you are either for Him or against Him. Isn't it time to take a stand?
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Betty Jean Birthday Blog
I would like to stray from the Proverbs post temporarily to acknowledge in blog form, a wonderful woman. Betty Jean LaFave, or as she was more commonly known to her family, Mema, would have been 78 years young today. It was 2004 when she passed away.
I have mentioned her in passing before in regards to understanding that even in our toughest times, Christ gives us peace. She passed away during finals week of my Freshman year at OSU. I had maintained a 4.0 GPA up until that point, and the timing of her passing just happened to coincide with many due dates and tests to study for.
I knew the most important thing to me at that point was to be close to her in her final days. Truth was, there were not many times that I didn't go out of my way to visit her. Once I was able to drive, it seems like I was down in Kingfisher at "Mema's house" all the time. Maybe it wasn't as much as I remember, but I never really felt like they were more than a short drive away. When I found out she didn't have much longer, I drove the hour or so from Stillwater and set up shop in their computer room. During her final days, she visited with each of us individually and gave us words of wisdom, and a letter she had typed. She told me how much it had hurt when we moved away from Kingfisher to Muskogee when I was a child. Of course this wasn't something I had any control over, being young at the time, but all the years of her tearing up every time we left to go back home made sense. As I recall, she said how proud she was of who I had become and my musical abilities.
One of my biggest regrets is that Juliet, my wife, did not ever get to meet her. Sometimes I forget though because Juliet will reference her once in awhile based on all the stories we have told her. Also, I think she can see her living on through my mom. Maybe that is why it is easier for me to deal with her passing. I still see a lot of her in my mom, so that gives me someone to remind me of her.
It is odd because spiritually in our family I can draw a direct line from Mema--> LeeAnn (mom)--> me. I got my strong faith through both of them...or at least they helped develop it the most.
I used to try to visit Mema's Sonshine Gospel Singing barn whenever possible to be the opening act, after her song of course. She always loved to sing "Drinkin' from My Saucer" but she never quite had the words right---and that's what made it great. She always said "I'm drinking from my saucer, cuz my cup is overflowed." It is what made her unique.
My song, "Betty Jean" was written shortly after her passing, and continues to be another source of strength for me. There were so many great memories that she left behind for us, I think we will all be tied over until we rejoin her someday.
I remember some of the ways she used to pronounce words that we all loved. Some examples below:
Juanderful- Wonderful
Onest- Once
Warsh- wash
Acrost- Across
Blike- Black
Those are some of my favorites. I post those not to make fun, but because those closest to her take joy in remembering her mannerisms.
I am driving what was her last owned vehicle currently. My mom had it first, and then I got it from her. It is funny to think sometimes that I am sitting in the same seat she used to sit in to drive up to the video store with me when I would visit. Or to the Hot Stuff Pizza to get my favorite brand of personal pan pizza. I am so thankful to have a piece of her still here with me. We have some of her frog collections too --haha-- she always was collecting a type of decoration. From Apples to Frogs we never knew how the house would be decorated when we visited, but it was always a joy.
Joy--she liked to say it stood for Jesus, Others, Yourself.
I somehow (probably from my mom) got her collection of "Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee" books as well. These books have been an enormous blessing, as Dr. McGee has wonderful Biblical insight. I never knew she had anything like that or that I would someday have it, but I treasure those books for their spiritual insight, and their connection to Mema. I found some of her old notes tucked away in one volume the other day and enjoyed reading something with her handwriting on it.
I have been blessed to have such wonderful family in my life. All of my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and immediate family are wonderful--both sides of the family.
I look forward to visiting with Pepa often, even though we don't always talk about much, it's always nice because I can still see parts of Mema in him. A twinkle in his eye of sorts that reminds me of her always saying "Frenchy!" Haha.
It is the same on my dad's side of the family. When my Grandpa Bill passed away, I was still in high school. I remember dedicating a song to him at my graduation. If I wasn't in Kingfisher, I was over at his house mowing the lawn or helping him with yard work. It's the only time I've ever enjoyed yard work. His passing was equally hard, but due to having Alzheimer's, my memories have to stretch further back with Grandpa Bill.
Thank God my parents had the foresight to purchase two books that I treasure. "Grandfather Remembers"- Filled out by Grandpa Bill before he got Alzheimer's and "Grandma Remembers"- filled out by Mema.
These books have lists and spaces for stories and are basically a window into their lives from childhood to the timeframe when I knew them.
Things did change when Mema passed away. Our major tradition--the highlight of the year--was Christmas Eve at Mema's house. She always had food cooking and we always had a "juan"derful time with everyone. I think her passing hit some of us harder than others. I prayed immediately for peace when I knew it was her last moments, and in a display of God's grace that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt to me that He does exist and love us, He gave me peace and insight into the situation--that was beyond my maturity at that point---I finally understood it all in context, and with the new found peace, He guided me through writing my finals papers and got me an extension on my exams (one of which was from a professor who didn't like me that much). Don't tell me God doesn't exist personally with us. If I hadn't seen it before December 2004--I certainly have seen it since.
Christmas has transitioned into a more current tradition, and we all have gotten used to the new ways of doing things---it is still a tradition I look forward to every other year (trade off years with Juliet :) I will say that there were some tough ones though. I hear sometimes about troubles that the LaFave side of the family is going through. I hear about fighting and manipulation amongst the family and it makes me sad. None of us would have considered that while Mema was living--and if we had, she would have calmly reminded us that we are family--nothing can change that--we need to just have a good meal and love each other. I know these issues will be worked out though, and the family will function fully as one unit again.
So as I go along life's journey--just like Mema--I am reaping more than I sow in blessings. I have a beautiful wife (who is a strong Christian), a juanderful family and extended family--including my new family in Mexico. I have two great puppies that we treat like kids. I have the best job of my life--a perfect fit. Truly my cup runneth over. And everytime I Thank God for all the blessings and mercies he has bestowed---I remember Mema singing "I'm Drinkin' from my saucer Lord, cuz my cup has overflowed"
Happy Birthday Betty Jean!
Betty LaFave- Drinkin' From My Saucer Performance
"Betty Jean" A Chris Byers original
I have mentioned her in passing before in regards to understanding that even in our toughest times, Christ gives us peace. She passed away during finals week of my Freshman year at OSU. I had maintained a 4.0 GPA up until that point, and the timing of her passing just happened to coincide with many due dates and tests to study for.
I knew the most important thing to me at that point was to be close to her in her final days. Truth was, there were not many times that I didn't go out of my way to visit her. Once I was able to drive, it seems like I was down in Kingfisher at "Mema's house" all the time. Maybe it wasn't as much as I remember, but I never really felt like they were more than a short drive away. When I found out she didn't have much longer, I drove the hour or so from Stillwater and set up shop in their computer room. During her final days, she visited with each of us individually and gave us words of wisdom, and a letter she had typed. She told me how much it had hurt when we moved away from Kingfisher to Muskogee when I was a child. Of course this wasn't something I had any control over, being young at the time, but all the years of her tearing up every time we left to go back home made sense. As I recall, she said how proud she was of who I had become and my musical abilities.
One of my biggest regrets is that Juliet, my wife, did not ever get to meet her. Sometimes I forget though because Juliet will reference her once in awhile based on all the stories we have told her. Also, I think she can see her living on through my mom. Maybe that is why it is easier for me to deal with her passing. I still see a lot of her in my mom, so that gives me someone to remind me of her.
It is odd because spiritually in our family I can draw a direct line from Mema--> LeeAnn (mom)--> me. I got my strong faith through both of them...or at least they helped develop it the most.
I used to try to visit Mema's Sonshine Gospel Singing barn whenever possible to be the opening act, after her song of course. She always loved to sing "Drinkin' from My Saucer" but she never quite had the words right---and that's what made it great. She always said "I'm drinking from my saucer, cuz my cup is overflowed." It is what made her unique.
My song, "Betty Jean" was written shortly after her passing, and continues to be another source of strength for me. There were so many great memories that she left behind for us, I think we will all be tied over until we rejoin her someday.
I remember some of the ways she used to pronounce words that we all loved. Some examples below:
Juanderful- Wonderful
Onest- Once
Warsh- wash
Acrost- Across
Blike- Black
Those are some of my favorites. I post those not to make fun, but because those closest to her take joy in remembering her mannerisms.
I am driving what was her last owned vehicle currently. My mom had it first, and then I got it from her. It is funny to think sometimes that I am sitting in the same seat she used to sit in to drive up to the video store with me when I would visit. Or to the Hot Stuff Pizza to get my favorite brand of personal pan pizza. I am so thankful to have a piece of her still here with me. We have some of her frog collections too --haha-- she always was collecting a type of decoration. From Apples to Frogs we never knew how the house would be decorated when we visited, but it was always a joy.
Joy--she liked to say it stood for Jesus, Others, Yourself.
I somehow (probably from my mom) got her collection of "Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee" books as well. These books have been an enormous blessing, as Dr. McGee has wonderful Biblical insight. I never knew she had anything like that or that I would someday have it, but I treasure those books for their spiritual insight, and their connection to Mema. I found some of her old notes tucked away in one volume the other day and enjoyed reading something with her handwriting on it.
I have been blessed to have such wonderful family in my life. All of my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and immediate family are wonderful--both sides of the family.
I look forward to visiting with Pepa often, even though we don't always talk about much, it's always nice because I can still see parts of Mema in him. A twinkle in his eye of sorts that reminds me of her always saying "Frenchy!" Haha.
It is the same on my dad's side of the family. When my Grandpa Bill passed away, I was still in high school. I remember dedicating a song to him at my graduation. If I wasn't in Kingfisher, I was over at his house mowing the lawn or helping him with yard work. It's the only time I've ever enjoyed yard work. His passing was equally hard, but due to having Alzheimer's, my memories have to stretch further back with Grandpa Bill.
Thank God my parents had the foresight to purchase two books that I treasure. "Grandfather Remembers"- Filled out by Grandpa Bill before he got Alzheimer's and "Grandma Remembers"- filled out by Mema.
These books have lists and spaces for stories and are basically a window into their lives from childhood to the timeframe when I knew them.
Things did change when Mema passed away. Our major tradition--the highlight of the year--was Christmas Eve at Mema's house. She always had food cooking and we always had a "juan"derful time with everyone. I think her passing hit some of us harder than others. I prayed immediately for peace when I knew it was her last moments, and in a display of God's grace that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt to me that He does exist and love us, He gave me peace and insight into the situation--that was beyond my maturity at that point---I finally understood it all in context, and with the new found peace, He guided me through writing my finals papers and got me an extension on my exams (one of which was from a professor who didn't like me that much). Don't tell me God doesn't exist personally with us. If I hadn't seen it before December 2004--I certainly have seen it since.
Christmas has transitioned into a more current tradition, and we all have gotten used to the new ways of doing things---it is still a tradition I look forward to every other year (trade off years with Juliet :) I will say that there were some tough ones though. I hear sometimes about troubles that the LaFave side of the family is going through. I hear about fighting and manipulation amongst the family and it makes me sad. None of us would have considered that while Mema was living--and if we had, she would have calmly reminded us that we are family--nothing can change that--we need to just have a good meal and love each other. I know these issues will be worked out though, and the family will function fully as one unit again.
So as I go along life's journey--just like Mema--I am reaping more than I sow in blessings. I have a beautiful wife (who is a strong Christian), a juanderful family and extended family--including my new family in Mexico. I have two great puppies that we treat like kids. I have the best job of my life--a perfect fit. Truly my cup runneth over. And everytime I Thank God for all the blessings and mercies he has bestowed---I remember Mema singing "I'm Drinkin' from my saucer Lord, cuz my cup has overflowed"
Happy Birthday Betty Jean!
Betty LaFave- Drinkin' From My Saucer Performance
"Betty Jean" A Chris Byers original
Important Post: How to recover a lost iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad
For those of you not on my Facebook page, this may benefit you as well--please read if applicable to your situation: Thanks for staying tuned to "Straight Shootin'" with Chris
Hello again friends. I hope you will all actually read this as it is quite important. There are many people out there everyday that are losing their iOS Devices (hitherto referring to iPhone, iPod touch and iPad), and having no luck retrieving them. The simple fact is that there is not a method of tracking set up via Apple other than the "Find my iPhone" App. This is a FREE App that any of you can download at anytime to any of the aforementioned devices. That's not the only thing though. If you only own one iOS Device, you'll need to use your computer to track it in the event it is stolen. This is done through the FREE service I previously mentioned called iCloud (available for PC and Mac current operating systems). Follow these instructions below for simple setup.
Step 1: Get the most Current Version of iTunes on your Mac or PC Computer (below screenshots on a mac, PC menu system may vary slightly)
A. Under your iTunes menu, click the "Check for Updates" button and follow onscreen instructions to make sure you get the most current version of iTunes.


Step 2: Plug in your iOS Device and select it in iTunes menu
When plugging in your device, iTunes should recognize it and show it in the lefthand menu


Step 3: Backup and Sync your device---THEN choose "Check for Updates" to update to current version of operating system
IT is very important if you are going from an older operating system to the iOS 5 that you first sync and backup your device. To install iOS 5, your device will restore from factory settings and go through a new menu system initially--then you will restore it FROM the iTunes backup that you saved prior to updating.This is not as hard as it sounds:

After you sync and backup your device, click on the "Check for Updates" Button (shown above) and let it begin the update
*NOTE* THe update time will be based on your computer's power, internet connection speed, and the iTunes servers, so be patient. It may take an hour or more...or be as quick as 15-30 minutes.
Step 4: Follow onscreen instructions on your device to set up your iCloud account and iOS 5 settings. Also, restore the device from your iTunes backup so you don't lose contacts and other information.
The backup you performed earlier will come into play here, as the option to restore from an iTunes backup will show up. This is what you will select, and it should restore all of your apps, contacts and settings. You may lose the music that was currently synced to the device--in this case---sync it back to the device and all will be well. *NOTE* Apps, music, movies, etc... purchased from iTunes will always be yours, and can always be redownloaded for FREE after initial purchase. If your favorite app is not showing up, DO NOT panic. Simply find it in the APP store on your device and re-download it at no charge to you. Piece of cake :)

Step 5: During setup, opt to install the Find my iphone and Find my Friends Apps with iCloud setup. (Alternatively) visit the App store on your device and download the "Find my iphone" App

Step 6: Go to "Settings" --> "iCloud" on your device, and make sure the "Find my iPhone" option is switched to the "ON" position

You are almost finshed!!!
Step 7: Visit http://www.icloud.comOnce here, log in with your same Apple ID that you used to setup iCloud on your device. This should open your iCloud dashboard. Click the 'Find my iPhone" icon to see a map with locations for all of your iOS devices that have activated "Find my iPhone"




CONGRATULATIONS: YOu have now set up "Find my iPhone" on your device and your computer. Note: To set up iCloud on computer, minimum system requirements must be met and can be found here: http://www.apple.com/icloud/setup/pc.html
Select "MAC" for Mac users
Final thoughts: THough it may seem complicated at first, having the most current operating system (iOS 5) on your devices; as well as iCloud is important in keeping your devices relevant and current. A device without "Find my iPhone" that is lost cannot be easily tracked. You must have "Find my iPhone' active on your Devices and computer to make tracking simplest. Alternatively, if you have multiple devices (ipad and iphone) for example, and you lose one of them, you can use the other to track the first.
Hope this is helpful. Please leave comments with any issue or difficulties you have and I will do my best to respond with helpful solutions. Protect that investment....and also explore all the cool features of iOS 5 and iCloud!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Proverbs 27: Humble Pie or The Story of How I Boasted About My Humility
"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." Proverbs 27:1-2
I sing and play guitar. That is something I do. I do my best not to boast as to whether or not I am skilled in that area. I have been told by others that I am talented. I acknowledge their praises of my skill and move on.
I find it difficult to speak to a talent without unintentionally being boastful. I went through college and later just telling people that I am a musician and I have been told by others that I am quite good. I never really said that I was myself. Rather, I went off of others' opinions, which for the most part were always quite favorable.
In effect, I was "letting another praise me" rather than praising myself. I wonder though, if my music is my God-given talent, and I am supposed to use it for God's glory, is it possible to speak of it as a God-given talent and not come off boastful. Seriously, you guys can chime in if I am being boastful. Again, I find it hard to speak to this without acknowledging level of skill. I have been blessed with this gift.
It is likely the same with everyone else. Juliet is a great translator--she knows it, but doesn't run around speaking to it. I tell people she is. Others tell her she is. That is how she knows.
There are of course those who become ego maniacal about the slightest praise. I do my best not to fall into this.
In my old band, The Huntsman, our drummer Brad was always telling me how great my voice was. I always thanked him, but found it odd that after playing together so long he still felt the need to acknowledge it. I admit the confidence boost was much appreciated. Oddly though, I found it harder to return compliments to others around me.
The natural instinct I would think would be to respond in turn, "man you are awesome at drumming too." In fact he was quite good when fully focused shall we say. I don't recall going out of my way to tell him though.
I have told my other bandmates in the past how much I think they are talented. I still brag about how great Don was at lead guitar and Andy on bass when referencing the band for informational purposes--i.e. someone asked if I was ever in a band.
God bestows upon us all of our talents. He created us after all. It is our responsibility to humbly use them for His greater glory. Does that mean you cannot play secular music? I'm not sure. I have struggled with this before. I think it really comes down to the meaning behind your words and actions. Honestly I used to slip a Christian song in here and there during my street corner musician days.
In one particular instance that stands out, I was playing random cover songs as I tended to do. When it seemed the crowd thinned I remember playing "I Can Only Imagine." As I played a girl, Angela I believe, sat down and began to sing along. By the end of the song she was in tears. My playing that song at that exact moment coincided with something she was going through and spoke to her. We sang a few more worship songs and then parted ways. She ended up being partially in charge of the open mic nights so she was a contact for me throughout college in that regard. The open mic nights were another venue I used to slide in one of my Christian originals here and there.
I'm not sure if it touched anybody other than her that one time, but I like to think that if I am using my passion for music in a way that is not offensive, maybe God will use that connection of music to move someone's heart.
I tell the story not to boast...in fact pride in myself is the furthest thought when I tell that story. Rather, I tell it to remind myself of Who gave me this talent, and what is expected of me.
I am to give God a return on His investment. HE invested music in me, I need to render it back unto Him.
Playing in the worship band at Jubilee is a great place to be to begin that journey. Maybe that is the journey and there is nothing after, in which case I will continue doing it with a grateful heart. Or maybe, I will finally get to record the Christian album at a real recording studio that has been in my head for awhile. Who knows?
Remember who created you and learn your purpose. Each of us has a talent or ability that we can use to further God's kingdom. Maybe it's a smile, maybe it's heart for missions, or maybe any number of other things. Figure out what your passion in life is, and that is usually what your God-given ability is. Turn it around and glorify Him with it. It's what we're meant to do.
I sing and play guitar. That is something I do. I do my best not to boast as to whether or not I am skilled in that area. I have been told by others that I am talented. I acknowledge their praises of my skill and move on.
I find it difficult to speak to a talent without unintentionally being boastful. I went through college and later just telling people that I am a musician and I have been told by others that I am quite good. I never really said that I was myself. Rather, I went off of others' opinions, which for the most part were always quite favorable.
In effect, I was "letting another praise me" rather than praising myself. I wonder though, if my music is my God-given talent, and I am supposed to use it for God's glory, is it possible to speak of it as a God-given talent and not come off boastful. Seriously, you guys can chime in if I am being boastful. Again, I find it hard to speak to this without acknowledging level of skill. I have been blessed with this gift.
It is likely the same with everyone else. Juliet is a great translator--she knows it, but doesn't run around speaking to it. I tell people she is. Others tell her she is. That is how she knows.
There are of course those who become ego maniacal about the slightest praise. I do my best not to fall into this.
In my old band, The Huntsman, our drummer Brad was always telling me how great my voice was. I always thanked him, but found it odd that after playing together so long he still felt the need to acknowledge it. I admit the confidence boost was much appreciated. Oddly though, I found it harder to return compliments to others around me.
The natural instinct I would think would be to respond in turn, "man you are awesome at drumming too." In fact he was quite good when fully focused shall we say. I don't recall going out of my way to tell him though.
I have told my other bandmates in the past how much I think they are talented. I still brag about how great Don was at lead guitar and Andy on bass when referencing the band for informational purposes--i.e. someone asked if I was ever in a band.
God bestows upon us all of our talents. He created us after all. It is our responsibility to humbly use them for His greater glory. Does that mean you cannot play secular music? I'm not sure. I have struggled with this before. I think it really comes down to the meaning behind your words and actions. Honestly I used to slip a Christian song in here and there during my street corner musician days.
In one particular instance that stands out, I was playing random cover songs as I tended to do. When it seemed the crowd thinned I remember playing "I Can Only Imagine." As I played a girl, Angela I believe, sat down and began to sing along. By the end of the song she was in tears. My playing that song at that exact moment coincided with something she was going through and spoke to her. We sang a few more worship songs and then parted ways. She ended up being partially in charge of the open mic nights so she was a contact for me throughout college in that regard. The open mic nights were another venue I used to slide in one of my Christian originals here and there.
I'm not sure if it touched anybody other than her that one time, but I like to think that if I am using my passion for music in a way that is not offensive, maybe God will use that connection of music to move someone's heart.
I tell the story not to boast...in fact pride in myself is the furthest thought when I tell that story. Rather, I tell it to remind myself of Who gave me this talent, and what is expected of me.
I am to give God a return on His investment. HE invested music in me, I need to render it back unto Him.
Playing in the worship band at Jubilee is a great place to be to begin that journey. Maybe that is the journey and there is nothing after, in which case I will continue doing it with a grateful heart. Or maybe, I will finally get to record the Christian album at a real recording studio that has been in my head for awhile. Who knows?
Remember who created you and learn your purpose. Each of us has a talent or ability that we can use to further God's kingdom. Maybe it's a smile, maybe it's heart for missions, or maybe any number of other things. Figure out what your passion in life is, and that is usually what your God-given ability is. Turn it around and glorify Him with it. It's what we're meant to do.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Proverbs 26: Footprints
"The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth transgressors." Proverbs 26
I'll admit this one had me stumped for a minute. In general these proverbs have been one good and one bad per piece of advice..a fool is not wise, but a wise man is not foolish, and things of that nature. In this instance, at face value it appears to be two not so good statements. Why would God reward fools and transgressors?
I see this as pertaining to the fact that bad things happen to good people, just as good things happen to bad people. None of us can fully control our circumstances, and at times they can seem unfair. Many people will say, "but I only ever do good, why would God be punishing me?" not realizing of course that technically, there is no one fully good, save Christ Himself. From this perspective then, we can see that it is a good thing that God rewards the fools and transgressors because at one time or another we have all been the fool, and are all transgressors.
It's not that bad things happen to good people. Our perception is that we are inherently good, and therefore nothing bad should ever happen. The reality is that from the moment Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit, humans have been on a collision course with death. The original intention was not for man to die, but rather to share in everlasting existence with his Creator.
Therefore, it becomes a matter of perspective. If I believe I am a truly good person and always do good things, how will I handle it if something bad comes my way? I will likely freak out, and turn from God, blaming Him for bad things happening. It is not God creating turmoil, but rather it is a product of our sin nature. Man is inherently bad, and therefore, we bring about destruction.
Sure there are people WE perceive as bad people who seem to have everything. And there are good Christian people living on the edge of poverty. The only way God is involved in trials of the righteous is if it is brought about to better their circumstances.
Take JOB in the Old Testament. He was Bill Gates rich by today's standards and had a huge family. Everything was going great for him, but in the blink of an eye it was taken away. His "wise" friends began to ask him what evil he was hiding for him to have been struck with so much at once. Job maintained that he had no hidden sin and that he trusted God even through the troubles. When his body was stricken as well, he remained faithful. Sure he questioned a bit, who wouldn't, but he never doubted God's control in the situation. In the end, everything was restored to him twofold--and he was happier than he had ever been before.
Friends it is a matter of perception. Maybe you feel called to do something great for the kingdom. Do you think it will be all sunshine and roses? Or wouldn't it make more sense to test your resolve and have you be a defender of the faith through THICK and THIN.
It's not always easy. Adversity is God's way of eliminating our self righteousness and pride and reminding us that He has the ultimate plan for our lives. That doesn't make God mean, rather it is a way of refining us as people. Adversity sometimes brings out the best in people.
So don't worry about who has what. Don't worry if you perceive that they don't deserve it. I wish I could win the lottery. I see people win the lottery that don't do well with it. Is it my place to assume they are bad people and that God was not fair giving them the lottery? No, clearly God understands that I am not in a place where I could handle that responsibility.
We are never given too much to handle. Even in our most adverse circumstances, God is there. I am reminded of the footprints in the sand story. I'll paraphrase it here.
A man and God are walking along the beach throughout his life. He looks and sees two sets of footprints in the sand. The man notices; however, that at times, there is only one set of footprints. He realized those were the times he faced the most adversity in his life. When he gets to Heaven he asks God, "why was there only one set of footprints during the worst times of my life? Why did you not walk with me during those times?" God replied, "my son, during your most adverse times, it was then that I carried you. The footprints you see are my own."
You see friends, God is always watching over his own. Even the foolish deserve His love, and perhaps their earthly rewards are leading them to understanding the greater truths behind God and His blessings. It is not for us to know. When we give a dollar to the homeless, it is not our place to wonder what he will spend it on. God will take care of his own. It is enough that we have given part of what we have.
As we come upon the hardest times in our lives, we must look always up to the One who has power to heal and make new. No matter how dark it may seem, there is light to be found in a relationship with God through Jesus.
My mom had a song awhile back, "when trouble's round, as far as I can see, I know my God, is watching over me, when the world conspires to get me down, He picks me up, and turns my world around."
When my mom's mom (Mema) passed away my freshman year at college, I wrote a song. In it, I reflect on always trusting God, no matter our circumstances. I will post the link to it here, and would encourage you all to listen. I'll try to post the link to my mom's song as well.
"During the good times you were beside me, during the bad I wasn't sure, but it was during those times, oh you carried me, now all I want to do is praise," (From "Trust" by Chris Byers).
Be blessed my friends :)
"Gracious God"- by LeeAnn Byers
I'll admit this one had me stumped for a minute. In general these proverbs have been one good and one bad per piece of advice..a fool is not wise, but a wise man is not foolish, and things of that nature. In this instance, at face value it appears to be two not so good statements. Why would God reward fools and transgressors?
I see this as pertaining to the fact that bad things happen to good people, just as good things happen to bad people. None of us can fully control our circumstances, and at times they can seem unfair. Many people will say, "but I only ever do good, why would God be punishing me?" not realizing of course that technically, there is no one fully good, save Christ Himself. From this perspective then, we can see that it is a good thing that God rewards the fools and transgressors because at one time or another we have all been the fool, and are all transgressors.
It's not that bad things happen to good people. Our perception is that we are inherently good, and therefore nothing bad should ever happen. The reality is that from the moment Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit, humans have been on a collision course with death. The original intention was not for man to die, but rather to share in everlasting existence with his Creator.
Therefore, it becomes a matter of perspective. If I believe I am a truly good person and always do good things, how will I handle it if something bad comes my way? I will likely freak out, and turn from God, blaming Him for bad things happening. It is not God creating turmoil, but rather it is a product of our sin nature. Man is inherently bad, and therefore, we bring about destruction.
Sure there are people WE perceive as bad people who seem to have everything. And there are good Christian people living on the edge of poverty. The only way God is involved in trials of the righteous is if it is brought about to better their circumstances.
Take JOB in the Old Testament. He was Bill Gates rich by today's standards and had a huge family. Everything was going great for him, but in the blink of an eye it was taken away. His "wise" friends began to ask him what evil he was hiding for him to have been struck with so much at once. Job maintained that he had no hidden sin and that he trusted God even through the troubles. When his body was stricken as well, he remained faithful. Sure he questioned a bit, who wouldn't, but he never doubted God's control in the situation. In the end, everything was restored to him twofold--and he was happier than he had ever been before.
Friends it is a matter of perception. Maybe you feel called to do something great for the kingdom. Do you think it will be all sunshine and roses? Or wouldn't it make more sense to test your resolve and have you be a defender of the faith through THICK and THIN.
It's not always easy. Adversity is God's way of eliminating our self righteousness and pride and reminding us that He has the ultimate plan for our lives. That doesn't make God mean, rather it is a way of refining us as people. Adversity sometimes brings out the best in people.
So don't worry about who has what. Don't worry if you perceive that they don't deserve it. I wish I could win the lottery. I see people win the lottery that don't do well with it. Is it my place to assume they are bad people and that God was not fair giving them the lottery? No, clearly God understands that I am not in a place where I could handle that responsibility.
We are never given too much to handle. Even in our most adverse circumstances, God is there. I am reminded of the footprints in the sand story. I'll paraphrase it here.
A man and God are walking along the beach throughout his life. He looks and sees two sets of footprints in the sand. The man notices; however, that at times, there is only one set of footprints. He realized those were the times he faced the most adversity in his life. When he gets to Heaven he asks God, "why was there only one set of footprints during the worst times of my life? Why did you not walk with me during those times?" God replied, "my son, during your most adverse times, it was then that I carried you. The footprints you see are my own."
You see friends, God is always watching over his own. Even the foolish deserve His love, and perhaps their earthly rewards are leading them to understanding the greater truths behind God and His blessings. It is not for us to know. When we give a dollar to the homeless, it is not our place to wonder what he will spend it on. God will take care of his own. It is enough that we have given part of what we have.
As we come upon the hardest times in our lives, we must look always up to the One who has power to heal and make new. No matter how dark it may seem, there is light to be found in a relationship with God through Jesus.
My mom had a song awhile back, "when trouble's round, as far as I can see, I know my God, is watching over me, when the world conspires to get me down, He picks me up, and turns my world around."
When my mom's mom (Mema) passed away my freshman year at college, I wrote a song. In it, I reflect on always trusting God, no matter our circumstances. I will post the link to it here, and would encourage you all to listen. I'll try to post the link to my mom's song as well.
"During the good times you were beside me, during the bad I wasn't sure, but it was during those times, oh you carried me, now all I want to do is praise," (From "Trust" by Chris Byers).
Be blessed my friends :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Proverbs 25: Love Your Enemies
If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: -Proverbs 25:21
I spoke a bit last time about extending kindness towards our enemies. I didn't get a chance to see the old coworkers who I had issues with when I went yesterday to get my w2, but I'd like to think we would have been amicable.
I like this verse because it offers insight into how we are called to love even our enemies. Jesus said Many things in regards to this as well.
I challenge everyone again to try doing something nice for those people who you don't always see eye to eye with. The results may surprise you!
I spoke a bit last time about extending kindness towards our enemies. I didn't get a chance to see the old coworkers who I had issues with when I went yesterday to get my w2, but I'd like to think we would have been amicable.
I like this verse because it offers insight into how we are called to love even our enemies. Jesus said Many things in regards to this as well.
I challenge everyone again to try doing something nice for those people who you don't always see eye to eye with. The results may surprise you!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Proverbs 24: A Dish Best Not Served

"Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me: I will render to the man according to his work." Proverbs 24:29
"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth..." Proverbs 24:17
I have really only had one length of time in my life where I could have been considered vengeful. The background is laid in other posts and to those who know me, but the first job I had in Austin, was an atmosphere that my attitude of wanting revenge first manifested.
I could try to justify this by saying that I was pressed into this mindset because I was surrounded by people who thrived on revenge and hurting people-mentally and physically. But, as I've said before, no matter how strong a pull the environment may impress upon me, it is always my free will to choose the right path. In all honesty there were days there that I would have given anything to be a fighter and just slug somebody. I'm surprised many times that the ex-gang members who held pull there didn't punch me (save one incident played for humor and mutually consented to).
It's a weird place to be when you spend your entire life surrounded by people who support you, only to be suddenly thrust into an environment of hate. Sure there were some good people there, but they were clearly overshadowed by the bad. And, the worst of it was that day to day, we weren't sure if they were going to be friendly or spiteful. Some days the meanest people could be very friendly. It was their ability to turn at moment's notice that made it so difficult.
I was backed into corners emotionally and pressed to my limit daily in one way or another. I schemed of ways to get those people in trouble to pay them back for how they treated me, but none came to fruition. This is a past sin I can admit to outside of the moment, but in the moment, you would have been hard pressed to convince me they didn't deserve God's vengeance. The verse above refers to not paying back enemies with more wrathfulness. Revenge is a dish best not served at all. "Vengeance is mine," says the Lord.
One year for Christmas, one of our 'enemies' had a new baby in his family. Juliet and I realized that our hateful feelings and actions towards this individual as payback for how we were treated by him, were not what God would have us to feel. We pulled some money together and bought some baby clothes for his new son. The moment we gave them too him all hatred and anger fell away, and he genuinely thanked us. I felt in that moment that all was forgiven, we could move forward. Sure we had minor struggles after that, but a shift in thinking occurred. I tell that story not to brag about good deeds, but to point out that if we pay our enemies with kindness, the Lord blesses both parties. The barriers of anger are torn down, even if just for a moment, as we realize that each of us is in this world together.
As a Christian, I learned so much from working at that job. How to be humble, how to just stop speaking and let God handle things, how to love my enemies and forgive, and so much more. Now that God gave me my current job (and make no mistake it was Heaven sent), I can look back at what I learned and apply it to future events.
Today I will have to go visit the old workplace to pick up my W2's and I'm actually looking forward to seeing some people again. Whatever may have happened, whatever they put me through, God has healed my heart and I hold zero ill will. Sure I can refer to the situations in story form, but I do not dwell on what was experienced.
I challenge you to do something nice for the person who gets under your skin the most. Someone who you cannot stand to be around. Take them to lunch, buy a small gift, have a nice conversation. Whatever you do, remember that when we repay evil with good, our lights can shine that much brighter for Christ. God will take care of justice in the end, for now, live and learn and show God's love.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Proverbs 23: To Drink or Not To Drink, That is the Question
"Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when itgiveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things." Proverbs 23:31-33
I feel like this verse needs to be read 31-33 together to make sense, though I find that verse 33 is the more clear vision of what it may be saying.
It is no secret that societies throughout the ages have enjoyed partaking of strong drink. I am not here to argue against whether or not the Bible says you should drink. I have mixed feelings on it to begin with, which I may explore momentarily. Suffice it to say, verse 33 makes it clear that if one is to drink past a certain point, they begin to think differently.
The bars are filled each and every night with men beholding women and vice versa. Many times people who are normally very reserved become very outgoing after imbibing some select beverages. The argument for or against alcohol could rage on for days so I will try just to sum up my thoughts as of this exact moment in my life.
Currently I do not drink. It's not so much that I am fully against it. Rather, I was someone who drank when I was forced to go interact at social events (b/c I'd rather be home watching a movie), and for the most part otherwise, preferred a nice coke. Since my life consists of hanging out at home relaxing, I am rarely in situations where it is even an option anymore. I did go through a drink mixing phase when I was 21 where I attempted to make some different drinks, and I was a bartender at Red Lobster temporarily before moving to Austin.
I think what it comes down to is how you are able to handle yourself under the influence (even mild buzz) of alcohol. Are you someone who would be unfaithful to a loved one when the alcohol hits your system? Are you someone who NEEDs alcohol, as opposed to occasionally having a drink? Do you have the self control to not drive after a night of drinking? These are questions to consider before making the decision of whether or not to drink as Christian or even non-Christian. I know many Christian people who drink, and many who don't. Both sides have their reasons, and I think as long as one is responsible with their decisions, it can be acceptable.
If we are being honest, I enjoy the flavor of Captain Morgan Rum and Coke, but I also know that it is not wise for me to imbibe because the coke makes it easier to sip and therefore easier to overdo it.
In all honesty, I do not miss drinking. I don't think it is necessary to have fun, despite what many think. I would caution those not of age to hold off because we are called to follow the world's laws when they do not conflict with God's law. I think it takes a certain maturity to drink as well, and many younger individuals just cannot handle their emotions/actions while under the influence.
Ultimately, the Bible is cautionary about how to handle strong drink. Drunkenness is clearly taught against, while a casual drink seems accepted, if not somewhat supported in some instances. One need only search back to Genesis, immediately after the Flood to see the negative aspects of drunkenness.
I would recommend praying about how you will handle exposure to strong drink. Know your limits and watch your behavior closely if you do choose to imbibe. It is not necessary in the grand scheme of things though, so maybe grab a water or Dr. Pepper if you aren't sure how you are being led.
I will close on a lighter note by pointing out that in reference to carbonated flavored beverages it is "pop" not "Soda." Thank you, and have a blessed day ;)
I feel like this verse needs to be read 31-33 together to make sense, though I find that verse 33 is the more clear vision of what it may be saying.
It is no secret that societies throughout the ages have enjoyed partaking of strong drink. I am not here to argue against whether or not the Bible says you should drink. I have mixed feelings on it to begin with, which I may explore momentarily. Suffice it to say, verse 33 makes it clear that if one is to drink past a certain point, they begin to think differently.
The bars are filled each and every night with men beholding women and vice versa. Many times people who are normally very reserved become very outgoing after imbibing some select beverages. The argument for or against alcohol could rage on for days so I will try just to sum up my thoughts as of this exact moment in my life.
Currently I do not drink. It's not so much that I am fully against it. Rather, I was someone who drank when I was forced to go interact at social events (b/c I'd rather be home watching a movie), and for the most part otherwise, preferred a nice coke. Since my life consists of hanging out at home relaxing, I am rarely in situations where it is even an option anymore. I did go through a drink mixing phase when I was 21 where I attempted to make some different drinks, and I was a bartender at Red Lobster temporarily before moving to Austin.
I think what it comes down to is how you are able to handle yourself under the influence (even mild buzz) of alcohol. Are you someone who would be unfaithful to a loved one when the alcohol hits your system? Are you someone who NEEDs alcohol, as opposed to occasionally having a drink? Do you have the self control to not drive after a night of drinking? These are questions to consider before making the decision of whether or not to drink as Christian or even non-Christian. I know many Christian people who drink, and many who don't. Both sides have their reasons, and I think as long as one is responsible with their decisions, it can be acceptable.
If we are being honest, I enjoy the flavor of Captain Morgan Rum and Coke, but I also know that it is not wise for me to imbibe because the coke makes it easier to sip and therefore easier to overdo it.
In all honesty, I do not miss drinking. I don't think it is necessary to have fun, despite what many think. I would caution those not of age to hold off because we are called to follow the world's laws when they do not conflict with God's law. I think it takes a certain maturity to drink as well, and many younger individuals just cannot handle their emotions/actions while under the influence.
Ultimately, the Bible is cautionary about how to handle strong drink. Drunkenness is clearly taught against, while a casual drink seems accepted, if not somewhat supported in some instances. One need only search back to Genesis, immediately after the Flood to see the negative aspects of drunkenness.
I would recommend praying about how you will handle exposure to strong drink. Know your limits and watch your behavior closely if you do choose to imbibe. It is not necessary in the grand scheme of things though, so maybe grab a water or Dr. Pepper if you aren't sure how you are being led.
I will close on a lighter note by pointing out that in reference to carbonated flavored beverages it is "pop" not "Soda." Thank you, and have a blessed day ;)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Proverbs 22: Children Behave
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
"Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15
I read a rather disturbing article today. It was a woman and her "partner" who had a son, but hid his gender from everyone, including him. He is currently 5 years old and his school made them reveal his gender. The parents in protest now dress him in the pants of the boy uniform and the blouse of the girl uniform.
WHAT!???? This is abhorring, unspeakable, ridiculous. Has our society gone so far that we are going to start sharing these horrible values with innocent children now. How do you think that child will grow up? This proves my point yet again that no one is born homosexual, but their environments clearly can have a strong influence. (BTW the "gay gene"research was retracted by those who initially released the research and has since been disproven). I submit yet again that we all have capacity to choose based on our God given free will. Some may be predispositiioned strongly towards a certain lifestyle (children of alcoholics prone to alcoholism; children raised by same sex couples prone to homosexuality) but it is still their decision.
I hate that this little boy, was treated as gender neutral. This is scarring on a child. Sure if your kid wants to wear odd clothes once in awhile you can humor them. I played dress up like most other children once in awhile. But to deliberately choose to let a MALE child decide if HE wants to be MALE or FEMALE is ridiculous.
IT is a shame that these parents are going to be the ones answering to God someday for how they took care of "his little ones," and they are going to be at a loss for words.
Sure society puts expectations on children, and the gender issues have always plagued our society. But a male is a male and a female is a female. If they choose to swap that later in life by their own accord, it is still sin, but their decision. And lest anyone call me intolerant, I have stated many times before EVERYONE, including ME is guilty of sin and sin is equal in God's eyes.
I simply choose to discuss this because of how sickening I find it. Does that kid even realize what was happening? Probably not.
I hate how society now wants to be So politically correct they will go to these extremes. The verse above is true in regards to foolishness because up to a certain age, children will be products of their environment. Parents must use the "rod of correction" to instill correct, Godly behaviors in their kids. The earlier the better. Kids will be kids, but parents have the greatest responsibility of all to God. Maybe that's why we haven't had kids yet. I want kids, but I want to raise them right, and it seems so difficult nowadays.
I thank God for how I was raised. Pretty standard, but the exposure to church at an early age really helped. I have mentioned before though that I was not automatically a Christian just because we went to sunday school and church. I made that choice in my college years officially--and strongly leaned that direction before that as well.
This child, if they even remind him of what they did, will have to come to terms with the fact that God created Him as a Male. There is a purpose to that. It is not random, the Bible tells us that even while in the womb He has a plan and knows us: even before we are born. I pray that some influence in this child's life will keep him on the right path--maybe this situation will seem as crazy to him as it does to me someday and push him towards a better path.
I am not judging the homosexual lifestyle of his parents (though as stated before sin is sin). But I pray God will impress upon their hearts the ridiculousness of their behavior with their child. How will he function sexually someday? I'm sure they never told him that Males and females have different functions in that realm and different bodies accordingly.
Here is the link to the article, http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/couple-finally-reveals-childs-gender-five-years-birth-180300388.html -- If you guys see it I hope you will understand that this is unacceptable behavior. Children are precious to God, and parents are the Earthly means of raising them to honor God, their Heavenly father.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2-- I submit that this would apply to physical harm as well as emotional and mental harm to children.
"Then they were brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked him. But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 19:13-15
Children are precious to God and parents are responsible for raising them properly. As sinful as our society has become I am still constantly surprised at the depraved lengths people will go to , to live how they see fit. We are all sinners in need of God's grace, and I do pray that this couple will be convicted of their behavior and repent to God. I pray that child is not predispositioned to any number of things this could lead him to, and that he is able to lead a normal MALE childhood from this point on.
Jesus loves the little children, let's try to raise them responsibly friends.
"Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15
I read a rather disturbing article today. It was a woman and her "partner" who had a son, but hid his gender from everyone, including him. He is currently 5 years old and his school made them reveal his gender. The parents in protest now dress him in the pants of the boy uniform and the blouse of the girl uniform.
WHAT!???? This is abhorring, unspeakable, ridiculous. Has our society gone so far that we are going to start sharing these horrible values with innocent children now. How do you think that child will grow up? This proves my point yet again that no one is born homosexual, but their environments clearly can have a strong influence. (BTW the "gay gene"research was retracted by those who initially released the research and has since been disproven). I submit yet again that we all have capacity to choose based on our God given free will. Some may be predispositiioned strongly towards a certain lifestyle (children of alcoholics prone to alcoholism; children raised by same sex couples prone to homosexuality) but it is still their decision.
I hate that this little boy, was treated as gender neutral. This is scarring on a child. Sure if your kid wants to wear odd clothes once in awhile you can humor them. I played dress up like most other children once in awhile. But to deliberately choose to let a MALE child decide if HE wants to be MALE or FEMALE is ridiculous.
IT is a shame that these parents are going to be the ones answering to God someday for how they took care of "his little ones," and they are going to be at a loss for words.
Sure society puts expectations on children, and the gender issues have always plagued our society. But a male is a male and a female is a female. If they choose to swap that later in life by their own accord, it is still sin, but their decision. And lest anyone call me intolerant, I have stated many times before EVERYONE, including ME is guilty of sin and sin is equal in God's eyes.
I simply choose to discuss this because of how sickening I find it. Does that kid even realize what was happening? Probably not.
I hate how society now wants to be So politically correct they will go to these extremes. The verse above is true in regards to foolishness because up to a certain age, children will be products of their environment. Parents must use the "rod of correction" to instill correct, Godly behaviors in their kids. The earlier the better. Kids will be kids, but parents have the greatest responsibility of all to God. Maybe that's why we haven't had kids yet. I want kids, but I want to raise them right, and it seems so difficult nowadays.
I thank God for how I was raised. Pretty standard, but the exposure to church at an early age really helped. I have mentioned before though that I was not automatically a Christian just because we went to sunday school and church. I made that choice in my college years officially--and strongly leaned that direction before that as well.
This child, if they even remind him of what they did, will have to come to terms with the fact that God created Him as a Male. There is a purpose to that. It is not random, the Bible tells us that even while in the womb He has a plan and knows us: even before we are born. I pray that some influence in this child's life will keep him on the right path--maybe this situation will seem as crazy to him as it does to me someday and push him towards a better path.
I am not judging the homosexual lifestyle of his parents (though as stated before sin is sin). But I pray God will impress upon their hearts the ridiculousness of their behavior with their child. How will he function sexually someday? I'm sure they never told him that Males and females have different functions in that realm and different bodies accordingly.
Here is the link to the article, http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/couple-finally-reveals-childs-gender-five-years-birth-180300388.html -- If you guys see it I hope you will understand that this is unacceptable behavior. Children are precious to God, and parents are the Earthly means of raising them to honor God, their Heavenly father.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2-- I submit that this would apply to physical harm as well as emotional and mental harm to children.
"Then they were brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked him. But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 19:13-15
Children are precious to God and parents are responsible for raising them properly. As sinful as our society has become I am still constantly surprised at the depraved lengths people will go to , to live how they see fit. We are all sinners in need of God's grace, and I do pray that this couple will be convicted of their behavior and repent to God. I pray that child is not predispositioned to any number of things this could lead him to, and that he is able to lead a normal MALE childhood from this point on.
Jesus loves the little children, let's try to raise them responsibly friends.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Proverbs 21: Through God's Eyes
"Every way of man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts." Proverbs 21:2
This one stopped me in my tracks. I usually scan the day's chapter and choose verses which speak to me most. In this case- 2 verses in, I was stopped, and found nothing else that I feel needs discussing today.
I have covered over and over throughout the past 21 days how we are a fallen creation, in need of salvation, and that salvation is found ONLY through Jesus Christ. He said so Himself, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6. We can run around being accepting of other religions and faiths all day long, but in the end, we are choosing what is right in our eyes, versus what God says is right.
I know it's not politically correct to say Jesus is the only way. But don't you think that the fact that He said that Himself, and then proved who He was through miracles and resurrection kinda back that up. He obviously was not worried about offending anyone of His day with that statement. So why is it that today if I were to post that directly onto facebook, I'd have a backlash accusing me of intolerance. Heck, I may even see that on here, though so far no one has spoke out. There are major difference in Christianity when compared to other world religions, including Judaism and Islam (the ones claiming to be closest). It is the fact that Christianity stands alone that backs up Christ's words. No other religion says it is the only way, save maybe for Islam, but they are a works based religion, and it has always been clear that the God of Abraham (that all three claim) is not a God with whom we gain presence through works.
Interestingly enough, it turns out Mohammed (founder of Islam), basically came from a pagan background. He was illiterate so in his early travels as a religious leader, he absorbed whatever religious traditions he encountered. While spending time with the Jews during his exile from Mecca, he adopted some of their religious history (mainly Abraham being the father of Islam and Islam coming from Ishmael's line). He never really followed the one true God, he just picked and chose what he liked from all the major religions of his day. Zoroastrianism was another big influence.
Islam is considered a religion, but is also a political mindset. Mohammed began as a religious leader, but eventually became a political leader/warrior. The religious side of Islam may not seem all that different from Judaism and Christianity, but that is not the focus of the Islamic community as a whole. Rather, to follow in the prophet's footsteps, they focus more on the jihadic aspects, and the gaining of political power through force. William Federer, An authority on Islam, points out that muslims will make treaties until they are strong enough to break them, and this has been shown time and time again. He also points out, that after major victories, they will always build a mosque at the site of victory (Ground zero anybody?). His Book, "What Every American Needs to Know about the Qua'ran," is an excellent resource on Islamic history; as well as, it's influence on the world and even America. Did you know that the American slaves came from muslim slave traders in Africa? Did you know that most popular name in England for male babies right now is Mohammed?
Now you may be thinking now, what about moderate muslims living within the US. For now,there is nothing wrong with them. They are friendly I'm sure and get along with those around them. The problem comes when we realize that eventually, as they gain more of a foothold in our country, and we continue to support their religion while simultaneously fighting a war against it, they will realize they do have power here. The Islamic code they live by says to make peace until you are strong enough to fight. It is peaceful now, but if history is an indication, that may not always last.
Then there is Judaism, where Christianity sprung from. Christians are considered the adopted sons of God, as the children of Israel are still his chosen ones. The problem is many jewish people have turned away or never accepted Christ the first time. Peter and Paul even had a falling out over whether or not to allow gentiles into the faith, though Christ had clearly said that He came so that EVERYONE might have life. Messianic jews are in the right mindset, accepting Christ while still maintaining their culture. Christ did away with many of the mosaic laws--not did away with, but elaborated on and adjusted so that after His ultimate sacrifice, many of the old ways were not needed. It is faith, not works that save us.
SO just out of the top 3 monotheistic religions, we see major differences between Christianity and the others. Judaism waits for a messiah to come (even though He already has) and Islam declares holy war on all who do not follow Mohammed, who historically was nowhere near Jesus in terms of lack of sin (Christ being sinless and also fully God and man). Study the history of Islam and you will find that though he is considered a prophet, Mohammed did not really do any of the normal prophet based things. Rather he made laws for his followers that would allow them to basically live out their fleshly desires. Islam is a flesh based religion. Men in battle are allowed to rape captives with no consequence. They are allowed to steal and pillage. Their goal is to follow as close to Mohammed's example as possible, and if history is any indication, that is not going to be the greatest thing for the non-Islamic parts of the world.
And it all winds back down to us deciding what WE think is right, rather than seeking God's truth and standard. We talked last post about God's measure being the only true measure, not man's. In this same way, we are called to seek first the kingdom of God. the Gospel accounts clearly establish Jesus' ministry, deity and call for how we are to live if we wish to see the Father, and spend eternity in the place we were created for initially before falling.
It is very simple when you take a step back from all the political cliches and badmouthing of Christianity and realize that if Christ were here today, he would be incredibly Politically incorrect. He would love the sinners, but He would be hating all of the sin we have.
Rather than take that route, He made the ultimate sacrifice so that all we need to do is call His name, and He will answer, and cleanse us of unrighteousness.
Jesus said many times that He is the only way to Heaven:
"I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me," John 14:6
"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved , and shall go in and out and find pasture." John 10:9
"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." John 10:11
"I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every Branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beateth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." John 15:1
Jesus spoke extensively on His divinity in John's gospel, and it is also the gospel that focuses on His proving that He was who He said He was.
That final verse is important as well. In order for fruit to grow in a healthy way, it must be pruned and cut back. Branches not bearing fruit at all are cut away. But, look closely because even branches bearing fruit are cut back so as to provide more growth. This is our relationship with God. He "prunes" us so that we may bear more fruit. It is not a painless process, but we know that the benefits are favorable, and we will have our account of how much fruit we bore to give someday.
Is Jesus the only way to God? Yes. He makes that incredibly clear to those who will listen. The Bible says that its words will seem foolish to those who do not believe, so if you see this as a politically incorrect, intolerant view, perhaps you need to do a quick self examination. Where do your values lay? What do you look forward to in your life? Where will you go when your time is through? Do you feel that something is missing, or are you constantly searching but not finding answers?
Friends, there is a reason. Jesus made it abundantly clear throughout his ministry and Paul took the candle from there to reiterate everything and continue to validate what Christ taught. He was not just a great teacher, He is the savior who died that you may be forgiven and have everlasting life.
"God so loved us that He sent his son, so that whoever will believe in Him may have life everylasting." John 3:16 ...
The world says it is intolerant to be a Christian because we recognize sin for what it is and are called by Christ to speak out against it. You cannot earn salvation through meditation. You cannot earn salvation through peaceful practices or new age beliefs. You cannot earn salvation through good works, or by following only the Old Testament law with no recognition of Christ's sacrifice, which brings in the NEW covenant, this time between God and every man.
If you read no other blog of mine, I feel particularly strongly that this is the most important so far. Christians need to stand up for the faith. Be politically incorrect if it is Godly correct. The LORD looks to our hearts, no matter how right we believe we are. It is not Chris Byers' religion saying Jesus was the only way, it was JESUS saying He is the only way. No other prophet or person in history can stand behind that claim.
The world will push towards one religion of tolerance in the last days. We can see it clearly coming already. If you need somewhere to start in your new Christian walk, search the Gospel of John and Paul's letter to the Romans.
I don't have all the answers, but I am here for any of you who have questions regarding what you need to know to begin your walk with Christ. I feel strongly pulled to help you in your search.
My door is always open---but more importantly, God's door is always open. Pray for understanding. Pray to have clarity of thought and to have God reveal His truth in your heart.
God bless you all!
This one stopped me in my tracks. I usually scan the day's chapter and choose verses which speak to me most. In this case- 2 verses in, I was stopped, and found nothing else that I feel needs discussing today.
I have covered over and over throughout the past 21 days how we are a fallen creation, in need of salvation, and that salvation is found ONLY through Jesus Christ. He said so Himself, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6. We can run around being accepting of other religions and faiths all day long, but in the end, we are choosing what is right in our eyes, versus what God says is right.
I know it's not politically correct to say Jesus is the only way. But don't you think that the fact that He said that Himself, and then proved who He was through miracles and resurrection kinda back that up. He obviously was not worried about offending anyone of His day with that statement. So why is it that today if I were to post that directly onto facebook, I'd have a backlash accusing me of intolerance. Heck, I may even see that on here, though so far no one has spoke out. There are major difference in Christianity when compared to other world religions, including Judaism and Islam (the ones claiming to be closest). It is the fact that Christianity stands alone that backs up Christ's words. No other religion says it is the only way, save maybe for Islam, but they are a works based religion, and it has always been clear that the God of Abraham (that all three claim) is not a God with whom we gain presence through works.
Interestingly enough, it turns out Mohammed (founder of Islam), basically came from a pagan background. He was illiterate so in his early travels as a religious leader, he absorbed whatever religious traditions he encountered. While spending time with the Jews during his exile from Mecca, he adopted some of their religious history (mainly Abraham being the father of Islam and Islam coming from Ishmael's line). He never really followed the one true God, he just picked and chose what he liked from all the major religions of his day. Zoroastrianism was another big influence.
Islam is considered a religion, but is also a political mindset. Mohammed began as a religious leader, but eventually became a political leader/warrior. The religious side of Islam may not seem all that different from Judaism and Christianity, but that is not the focus of the Islamic community as a whole. Rather, to follow in the prophet's footsteps, they focus more on the jihadic aspects, and the gaining of political power through force. William Federer, An authority on Islam, points out that muslims will make treaties until they are strong enough to break them, and this has been shown time and time again. He also points out, that after major victories, they will always build a mosque at the site of victory (Ground zero anybody?). His Book, "What Every American Needs to Know about the Qua'ran," is an excellent resource on Islamic history; as well as, it's influence on the world and even America. Did you know that the American slaves came from muslim slave traders in Africa? Did you know that most popular name in England for male babies right now is Mohammed?
Now you may be thinking now, what about moderate muslims living within the US. For now,there is nothing wrong with them. They are friendly I'm sure and get along with those around them. The problem comes when we realize that eventually, as they gain more of a foothold in our country, and we continue to support their religion while simultaneously fighting a war against it, they will realize they do have power here. The Islamic code they live by says to make peace until you are strong enough to fight. It is peaceful now, but if history is an indication, that may not always last.
Then there is Judaism, where Christianity sprung from. Christians are considered the adopted sons of God, as the children of Israel are still his chosen ones. The problem is many jewish people have turned away or never accepted Christ the first time. Peter and Paul even had a falling out over whether or not to allow gentiles into the faith, though Christ had clearly said that He came so that EVERYONE might have life. Messianic jews are in the right mindset, accepting Christ while still maintaining their culture. Christ did away with many of the mosaic laws--not did away with, but elaborated on and adjusted so that after His ultimate sacrifice, many of the old ways were not needed. It is faith, not works that save us.
SO just out of the top 3 monotheistic religions, we see major differences between Christianity and the others. Judaism waits for a messiah to come (even though He already has) and Islam declares holy war on all who do not follow Mohammed, who historically was nowhere near Jesus in terms of lack of sin (Christ being sinless and also fully God and man). Study the history of Islam and you will find that though he is considered a prophet, Mohammed did not really do any of the normal prophet based things. Rather he made laws for his followers that would allow them to basically live out their fleshly desires. Islam is a flesh based religion. Men in battle are allowed to rape captives with no consequence. They are allowed to steal and pillage. Their goal is to follow as close to Mohammed's example as possible, and if history is any indication, that is not going to be the greatest thing for the non-Islamic parts of the world.
And it all winds back down to us deciding what WE think is right, rather than seeking God's truth and standard. We talked last post about God's measure being the only true measure, not man's. In this same way, we are called to seek first the kingdom of God. the Gospel accounts clearly establish Jesus' ministry, deity and call for how we are to live if we wish to see the Father, and spend eternity in the place we were created for initially before falling.
It is very simple when you take a step back from all the political cliches and badmouthing of Christianity and realize that if Christ were here today, he would be incredibly Politically incorrect. He would love the sinners, but He would be hating all of the sin we have.
Rather than take that route, He made the ultimate sacrifice so that all we need to do is call His name, and He will answer, and cleanse us of unrighteousness.
Jesus said many times that He is the only way to Heaven:
"I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me," John 14:6
"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved , and shall go in and out and find pasture." John 10:9
"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." John 10:11
"I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every Branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beateth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." John 15:1
Jesus spoke extensively on His divinity in John's gospel, and it is also the gospel that focuses on His proving that He was who He said He was.
That final verse is important as well. In order for fruit to grow in a healthy way, it must be pruned and cut back. Branches not bearing fruit at all are cut away. But, look closely because even branches bearing fruit are cut back so as to provide more growth. This is our relationship with God. He "prunes" us so that we may bear more fruit. It is not a painless process, but we know that the benefits are favorable, and we will have our account of how much fruit we bore to give someday.
Is Jesus the only way to God? Yes. He makes that incredibly clear to those who will listen. The Bible says that its words will seem foolish to those who do not believe, so if you see this as a politically incorrect, intolerant view, perhaps you need to do a quick self examination. Where do your values lay? What do you look forward to in your life? Where will you go when your time is through? Do you feel that something is missing, or are you constantly searching but not finding answers?
Friends, there is a reason. Jesus made it abundantly clear throughout his ministry and Paul took the candle from there to reiterate everything and continue to validate what Christ taught. He was not just a great teacher, He is the savior who died that you may be forgiven and have everlasting life.
"God so loved us that He sent his son, so that whoever will believe in Him may have life everylasting." John 3:16 ...
The world says it is intolerant to be a Christian because we recognize sin for what it is and are called by Christ to speak out against it. You cannot earn salvation through meditation. You cannot earn salvation through peaceful practices or new age beliefs. You cannot earn salvation through good works, or by following only the Old Testament law with no recognition of Christ's sacrifice, which brings in the NEW covenant, this time between God and every man.
If you read no other blog of mine, I feel particularly strongly that this is the most important so far. Christians need to stand up for the faith. Be politically incorrect if it is Godly correct. The LORD looks to our hearts, no matter how right we believe we are. It is not Chris Byers' religion saying Jesus was the only way, it was JESUS saying He is the only way. No other prophet or person in history can stand behind that claim.
The world will push towards one religion of tolerance in the last days. We can see it clearly coming already. If you need somewhere to start in your new Christian walk, search the Gospel of John and Paul's letter to the Romans.
I don't have all the answers, but I am here for any of you who have questions regarding what you need to know to begin your walk with Christ. I feel strongly pulled to help you in your search.
My door is always open---but more importantly, God's door is always open. Pray for understanding. Pray to have clarity of thought and to have God reveal His truth in your heart.
God bless you all!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Proverbs 20: God's Measuring Standard
"Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD." Proverbs 20:10
"Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good." Proverbs 20:23
I did a little research into these verses to understand the intended meaning.
God has His own measure of how we are supposed to live. I may think that I can measure myself against someone who is worse than me in my own eyes, but in reality, God uses the same measurement.
A number of verses come to mind at this. He without sin cast the first stone, remove the plank from your own eye, judge not lest ye be judged. The odd thing is that Christians; and moreso the world at large, have misunderstood these references for awhile.
I can't count how many times a non-believer has used the verse "Judge Not, let ye be Judged" as an excuse to continue to participate in an abominable lifestyle. "God will judge me, not you!" That statement is true; however, there is an element missing.
God will be the final judge or all of us. Even Christians will be accountable for how much "fruit" they produced, though their salvation is secure in Christ, non-profitable works will be burned up. It is not right to use the aforementioned verse to justify your wrong behavior. Christians, in fact, are called to rebuke sinful behavior amongst other Christians, and the world at large. It is more common these days to just "get along" with the world's ways rather than confront. Let me tell you, political correctness is not always the name of the game for Christians. We are called to love our neighbor, but even Jesus loved his neighbor while simultaneously rebuking their behavior.
We are to be salt and light to the world, but many of us are still hiding in the shadows, afraid to confront society at large with the truth of God's word. Yes many of them will attack back verbally and emotionally, but we are called to speak truthfully. I will not stand around saying I approve of something, that I do not. On that same note however, I do realize that my sin is equal to your sin in God's eyes. Therefore it is not for me to JUDGE you, but to rebuke, with compassion and teaching. Rather than going around telling people how wrong they are, provide them with reasoning behind it. Use yourself as an example of someone just as fallen as them. We don't need to be rude to bring the truth home. That is where the verse gets taken out of context.
I read this verse as referring to equality amongst race as well. Now I have been guilty of prejudices and stereotyping in my life. It is unfortunately a natural reaction in all of us to notice that which is different. Now don't mistake this for racism. I don't care what color or nationality you are, I am saying that I notice behaviors that I could technically associate with certain groups of people (myself included). I would be sinning--and according to the verse above, committing abomination to the LORD. His creation is equal, and everyone is measured according to the same rod. We must therefore resist the urge to associate certain groups with certain behaviors for the purpose of stereotyping.
This is difficult for some--think of all the stand up comedy that would lose material if this were taken away. I'd say 90% of stand up today is observational humor-often involving ethnic stereotypes. I used to be worse about this, and still struggle not to notice things, but I truly do not want to be that way now.
If I measure you by my own rod and mindset, how much more will God rebuke me. His standard of measure is the only true measure.
Let us look within ourselves, at our own flaws and sins, and address them before God before even considering speaking to another about theirs. But remember, as Christians, we must be accountable to one another. Only when believers are honest with other believers about what is right according to God's word can we begin to approach the secular world in order that they might turn from sin.
"Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good." Proverbs 20:23
I did a little research into these verses to understand the intended meaning.
God has His own measure of how we are supposed to live. I may think that I can measure myself against someone who is worse than me in my own eyes, but in reality, God uses the same measurement.
A number of verses come to mind at this. He without sin cast the first stone, remove the plank from your own eye, judge not lest ye be judged. The odd thing is that Christians; and moreso the world at large, have misunderstood these references for awhile.
I can't count how many times a non-believer has used the verse "Judge Not, let ye be Judged" as an excuse to continue to participate in an abominable lifestyle. "God will judge me, not you!" That statement is true; however, there is an element missing.
God will be the final judge or all of us. Even Christians will be accountable for how much "fruit" they produced, though their salvation is secure in Christ, non-profitable works will be burned up. It is not right to use the aforementioned verse to justify your wrong behavior. Christians, in fact, are called to rebuke sinful behavior amongst other Christians, and the world at large. It is more common these days to just "get along" with the world's ways rather than confront. Let me tell you, political correctness is not always the name of the game for Christians. We are called to love our neighbor, but even Jesus loved his neighbor while simultaneously rebuking their behavior.
We are to be salt and light to the world, but many of us are still hiding in the shadows, afraid to confront society at large with the truth of God's word. Yes many of them will attack back verbally and emotionally, but we are called to speak truthfully. I will not stand around saying I approve of something, that I do not. On that same note however, I do realize that my sin is equal to your sin in God's eyes. Therefore it is not for me to JUDGE you, but to rebuke, with compassion and teaching. Rather than going around telling people how wrong they are, provide them with reasoning behind it. Use yourself as an example of someone just as fallen as them. We don't need to be rude to bring the truth home. That is where the verse gets taken out of context.
I read this verse as referring to equality amongst race as well. Now I have been guilty of prejudices and stereotyping in my life. It is unfortunately a natural reaction in all of us to notice that which is different. Now don't mistake this for racism. I don't care what color or nationality you are, I am saying that I notice behaviors that I could technically associate with certain groups of people (myself included). I would be sinning--and according to the verse above, committing abomination to the LORD. His creation is equal, and everyone is measured according to the same rod. We must therefore resist the urge to associate certain groups with certain behaviors for the purpose of stereotyping.
This is difficult for some--think of all the stand up comedy that would lose material if this were taken away. I'd say 90% of stand up today is observational humor-often involving ethnic stereotypes. I used to be worse about this, and still struggle not to notice things, but I truly do not want to be that way now.
If I measure you by my own rod and mindset, how much more will God rebuke me. His standard of measure is the only true measure.
Let us look within ourselves, at our own flaws and sins, and address them before God before even considering speaking to another about theirs. But remember, as Christians, we must be accountable to one another. Only when believers are honest with other believers about what is right according to God's word can we begin to approach the secular world in order that they might turn from sin.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Proverbs 19: Collect Call from God-Will you accept?
"Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; but he that despisesth his ways shall die. He that hath pity upon the poor length unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Chasten thy son while there is hope and let not thy soul spare for his crying." Proverbs 19:15-18
Each of these words come from verses 15-18, and therefore, I feel they are connected. Initially my mind wanted to speak only to the first verse on slothfulness, but rather I believe I will attempt to connect cohesive thought from each in its turn.
The world is slothful. We are all in a deep sleep. We have hunger, but are 'eating' the wrong food. Our hunger is to be for God and His word, not the satisfactions of this world. We have a purpose. It is easy now to let purpose go by the wayside as we indulge in the desires of this world. I am as guilty as the rest. I am bombarded with desire to watch television or movies rather than studying the Word. When I begin to study, I am given to slothfulness and desire sleep, though my soul longs to learn and gain wisdom. What shall I do?
I would that I could keep all the commandments, but as mentioned before, it is not in our nature to fulfill all God's laws. We needed Christ's death to cover us for that reason. There is none righteous, no not one. Our hearts and minds are continually on evil. The last time this happened, the flood was brought about. Yet Noah, being righteous was saved by the LORD. By that same token, those of us professing faith in Christ must show that we would have a righteous lifestyle.
He that pitieth the poor is lending to the LORD. I like how that is put. How often I have passed the homeless in Austin without a care as to their circumstances. I often have nothing to offer, nothing to give, and even if I did, there are so many to help. Then my human mind wonders if they are legitimate or rather just trying to earn a buck by faking it. I shouldn't wonder these things. God knows what is given, and regardless of what they do with it, it is the gesture, the sacrifice that is important.
Chasten thy son while there is hope. We must all be chastened in our lives. It is for the better, though at times it may seem God has forgotten us. Just as a parent must teach their children what is right, so too God must show his children the righteous path. We learn and grow through our trials. We are not to give up. Granted, I have been blessed to have not gone through much so far, but as with everyone, there will always come a time of testing, of trial. My most recent was with my previous job. I had to maintain and tough it out until God was ready to offer me my current, much better position. I did not know just how mean people could be until working there. I always saw the good in people. In many ways I still do, but I am also aware that not everyone is working for good. We must always be aware that as Christians, we will become hated by the world. It has not seemed obvious the past century or so as technology has advanced and standard of living have increased, at least for those of us in the U.S.
If you tune into the media now, it is clear the secular world would have all elements of Christianity taken out of the public eye. Christ said we would be hated by the world. I pray that it is not within my lifetime that U.S. Christians face persecution.
As we become 'tolerant' to people of all faiths and beliefs, we are loving one another (which is good), but we are also letting in false beliefs. We are being molded by the world instead of demonstrating to them what is right. We compromise our beliefs based on being politically correct. Christ was not politically correct. Those who see him as a 'good moral teacher' and nothing else, are mistaken. He was much more. He was the savior of the world. He is the savior. He called it like it was. Those not bearing fruit, will be cast out. Christianity condemns many things the world would make peace with. Homosexuality, lying, drunkenness, fornication, murder, etc... We are to love our neighbor as ourself; even Christ made company with prostitutes and tax collectors. We are not to compromise the integrity of the Word of God. Sin is sin no matter how we sugar coat it. I have my sins to struggle with, just as everyone else. It is all equal in God's eye. We make our choices. We may be predispositioned towards certain behaviors or lifestyles, but we still can choose to follow God's word and Christ's teaching. Your sin is not less than mine, and mine not less than yours. We ALL need forgiveness. It is a free gift, not based on works. It doesn't matter how much I try to change the world, without Christ to cover my sin nature, it is all for not. Sure it is helpful, and recognized, but there can be presence with God only through Christ our mediator.
I have been told I am brainwashed. Raised so that I am predispositioned towards faith in Christ. "It is easy for you," they say. "What about those who do not have the luxury of being raised in the church?" I refer you to Romans Chapter 1.
"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." Romans 1:20
How many of you do now know who Christ is? None is my guess since by virtue of reading this far on the post, or any of the previous posts you have that knowledge, or at least a knowledge that you need someone to cover your sin. Sorry for throwing that on you, but just like myself, you are now without excuse.
I don't mean to seem harsh. I prayed hard before this post my words would flow from God and not be my own. I am not thinking, but writing. If I am wrong, then it is a post by Chris, easy to ignore. If you are convicted by this, hopefully my prayer was answered, and the Holy Spirit is telling you something. I am not particularly blessed for witness. I have a horrible time trying to argue semantics with secular society.
When writing, I can let my words flow. I do not have to answer to any man, but only to God. I will be kind to my neighbors. I will not judge you for your beliefs, though I would encourage you to seek God's will for your life, not your own will.
I am at a crossroads. I know there is a purpose for me. I have been blessed with musical talent, and hopefully God will use that for the betterment of His kingdom. But perhaps there is more to it than that. I have a strong desire that all would come to Christ. This is a new desire, only manifested in the past 3 years or so. More so at certain times than others. Hopefully that is going to change. I want to have wisdom and understanding. I want to do God's will in my life, whatever it may be. The world says it's bologna, that I am wasting my time. Family will read this and think i've lost my mind. Friends may turn away. I implore you to take this seriously. If not today, then when.
I will relapse. I will watch television and movies. I will be slothful. I do not want it that way, but I am fallen and at times am a product of my circumstance. I will do my best to be a better Christian. To lead by example, so that everyone I love and care for, will realize the same truths.
The world is not getting any more pleasant. The hope for peace on earth is not going to happen until Christ returns in final victory. Choose your side now. Maybe God wants you to help people on the other side of the world, but is just waiting for your answer> Maybe you have another talent that you hide from others, and deep down you know that you are meant for something more. How wonderful it would be for Christianity to see a revival in this trying time. The world is against us verbally. Thank God not physically, at least in our country.
Christians take a stand. Call sin what is is, but love the sinner and comfort them. If they are like me, they desire deep down that they do not do the things they do. Sometimes they need someone to step in and help. Maybe that's you...
God is calling...will you answer?
Each of these words come from verses 15-18, and therefore, I feel they are connected. Initially my mind wanted to speak only to the first verse on slothfulness, but rather I believe I will attempt to connect cohesive thought from each in its turn.
The world is slothful. We are all in a deep sleep. We have hunger, but are 'eating' the wrong food. Our hunger is to be for God and His word, not the satisfactions of this world. We have a purpose. It is easy now to let purpose go by the wayside as we indulge in the desires of this world. I am as guilty as the rest. I am bombarded with desire to watch television or movies rather than studying the Word. When I begin to study, I am given to slothfulness and desire sleep, though my soul longs to learn and gain wisdom. What shall I do?
I would that I could keep all the commandments, but as mentioned before, it is not in our nature to fulfill all God's laws. We needed Christ's death to cover us for that reason. There is none righteous, no not one. Our hearts and minds are continually on evil. The last time this happened, the flood was brought about. Yet Noah, being righteous was saved by the LORD. By that same token, those of us professing faith in Christ must show that we would have a righteous lifestyle.
He that pitieth the poor is lending to the LORD. I like how that is put. How often I have passed the homeless in Austin without a care as to their circumstances. I often have nothing to offer, nothing to give, and even if I did, there are so many to help. Then my human mind wonders if they are legitimate or rather just trying to earn a buck by faking it. I shouldn't wonder these things. God knows what is given, and regardless of what they do with it, it is the gesture, the sacrifice that is important.
Chasten thy son while there is hope. We must all be chastened in our lives. It is for the better, though at times it may seem God has forgotten us. Just as a parent must teach their children what is right, so too God must show his children the righteous path. We learn and grow through our trials. We are not to give up. Granted, I have been blessed to have not gone through much so far, but as with everyone, there will always come a time of testing, of trial. My most recent was with my previous job. I had to maintain and tough it out until God was ready to offer me my current, much better position. I did not know just how mean people could be until working there. I always saw the good in people. In many ways I still do, but I am also aware that not everyone is working for good. We must always be aware that as Christians, we will become hated by the world. It has not seemed obvious the past century or so as technology has advanced and standard of living have increased, at least for those of us in the U.S.
If you tune into the media now, it is clear the secular world would have all elements of Christianity taken out of the public eye. Christ said we would be hated by the world. I pray that it is not within my lifetime that U.S. Christians face persecution.
As we become 'tolerant' to people of all faiths and beliefs, we are loving one another (which is good), but we are also letting in false beliefs. We are being molded by the world instead of demonstrating to them what is right. We compromise our beliefs based on being politically correct. Christ was not politically correct. Those who see him as a 'good moral teacher' and nothing else, are mistaken. He was much more. He was the savior of the world. He is the savior. He called it like it was. Those not bearing fruit, will be cast out. Christianity condemns many things the world would make peace with. Homosexuality, lying, drunkenness, fornication, murder, etc... We are to love our neighbor as ourself; even Christ made company with prostitutes and tax collectors. We are not to compromise the integrity of the Word of God. Sin is sin no matter how we sugar coat it. I have my sins to struggle with, just as everyone else. It is all equal in God's eye. We make our choices. We may be predispositioned towards certain behaviors or lifestyles, but we still can choose to follow God's word and Christ's teaching. Your sin is not less than mine, and mine not less than yours. We ALL need forgiveness. It is a free gift, not based on works. It doesn't matter how much I try to change the world, without Christ to cover my sin nature, it is all for not. Sure it is helpful, and recognized, but there can be presence with God only through Christ our mediator.
I have been told I am brainwashed. Raised so that I am predispositioned towards faith in Christ. "It is easy for you," they say. "What about those who do not have the luxury of being raised in the church?" I refer you to Romans Chapter 1.
"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." Romans 1:20
How many of you do now know who Christ is? None is my guess since by virtue of reading this far on the post, or any of the previous posts you have that knowledge, or at least a knowledge that you need someone to cover your sin. Sorry for throwing that on you, but just like myself, you are now without excuse.
I don't mean to seem harsh. I prayed hard before this post my words would flow from God and not be my own. I am not thinking, but writing. If I am wrong, then it is a post by Chris, easy to ignore. If you are convicted by this, hopefully my prayer was answered, and the Holy Spirit is telling you something. I am not particularly blessed for witness. I have a horrible time trying to argue semantics with secular society.
When writing, I can let my words flow. I do not have to answer to any man, but only to God. I will be kind to my neighbors. I will not judge you for your beliefs, though I would encourage you to seek God's will for your life, not your own will.
I am at a crossroads. I know there is a purpose for me. I have been blessed with musical talent, and hopefully God will use that for the betterment of His kingdom. But perhaps there is more to it than that. I have a strong desire that all would come to Christ. This is a new desire, only manifested in the past 3 years or so. More so at certain times than others. Hopefully that is going to change. I want to have wisdom and understanding. I want to do God's will in my life, whatever it may be. The world says it's bologna, that I am wasting my time. Family will read this and think i've lost my mind. Friends may turn away. I implore you to take this seriously. If not today, then when.
I will relapse. I will watch television and movies. I will be slothful. I do not want it that way, but I am fallen and at times am a product of my circumstance. I will do my best to be a better Christian. To lead by example, so that everyone I love and care for, will realize the same truths.
The world is not getting any more pleasant. The hope for peace on earth is not going to happen until Christ returns in final victory. Choose your side now. Maybe God wants you to help people on the other side of the world, but is just waiting for your answer> Maybe you have another talent that you hide from others, and deep down you know that you are meant for something more. How wonderful it would be for Christianity to see a revival in this trying time. The world is against us verbally. Thank God not physically, at least in our country.
Christians take a stand. Call sin what is is, but love the sinner and comfort them. If they are like me, they desire deep down that they do not do the things they do. Sometimes they need someone to step in and help. Maybe that's you...
God is calling...will you answer?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Proverbs 18: Know it all?
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. -Proverbs 18:13
He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him. -Proverbs 18:17
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. -Proverbs 18:22
Some people have an answer prepared for everything. Whether they know full situations or not they always seem ready with a response to whatever is going on in our lives. Now sometimes good advice can come from this, but more often than not the input is unwarranted. The proverb says he that answers before hearing the matter it is shame.
I attribute this phenomenon to the information age. Now granted I'm sure it has always been a problem, but now that the Internet is out there, people have entirely too much spare knowledge. This in turn leads to know it all syndrome. I may post that I am sick and six people will have full medical diagnosis for me without even knowing that I am feeling sick from eating too much. We think we know so much about someone's life because we follow them on Facebook, but in reality we know very little of their day to day feelings. Most people are not going to post their entire life story or their deepest emotions on Facebook. Yet we still see a post and begin forming a situation in our head without knowing the context.People read the Bible this way too.
They find a passage that they feel is horrible without knowing any context. They Immediately discredit God for His incorrect behavior and never read surrounding information.The Bible also is connected fully so just because the context isn't right next to the passage, doesn't mean it's not in the bible. Often the New Testament can shed light on passages from the Old and vice versa. Don't answer before knowing a full sitiuational context. Don't assume you have all of life's answers.
Just because you have information doesn't mean you are qualified to express it. I'm a prime example. I don't know that any of these Proverbs blogs have helped anyone. I don't even know of they have alienated anyone. I pray for God to speak to people through them, but I don't know if they help.
I made a decision to committ to this Proverb a day, and I enjoy writing. I hope someone out there has been blessed by these words, but true blessing will only come from God. Do you feel something tugging at your heart? Are you wondering what your purpose is in life? Christ is the answer. Seek first the kingdom of God. Everything else will fall into place.
The greatest place to be on Earth is in the midst of doing God's will for your life. Pray that you are there and that His will be done. Live with the goal of someday hearing, "well done
Good and faithful servant'"
He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him. -Proverbs 18:17
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. -Proverbs 18:22
Some people have an answer prepared for everything. Whether they know full situations or not they always seem ready with a response to whatever is going on in our lives. Now sometimes good advice can come from this, but more often than not the input is unwarranted. The proverb says he that answers before hearing the matter it is shame.
I attribute this phenomenon to the information age. Now granted I'm sure it has always been a problem, but now that the Internet is out there, people have entirely too much spare knowledge. This in turn leads to know it all syndrome. I may post that I am sick and six people will have full medical diagnosis for me without even knowing that I am feeling sick from eating too much. We think we know so much about someone's life because we follow them on Facebook, but in reality we know very little of their day to day feelings. Most people are not going to post their entire life story or their deepest emotions on Facebook. Yet we still see a post and begin forming a situation in our head without knowing the context.People read the Bible this way too.
They find a passage that they feel is horrible without knowing any context. They Immediately discredit God for His incorrect behavior and never read surrounding information.The Bible also is connected fully so just because the context isn't right next to the passage, doesn't mean it's not in the bible. Often the New Testament can shed light on passages from the Old and vice versa. Don't answer before knowing a full sitiuational context. Don't assume you have all of life's answers.
Just because you have information doesn't mean you are qualified to express it. I'm a prime example. I don't know that any of these Proverbs blogs have helped anyone. I don't even know of they have alienated anyone. I pray for God to speak to people through them, but I don't know if they help.
I made a decision to committ to this Proverb a day, and I enjoy writing. I hope someone out there has been blessed by these words, but true blessing will only come from God. Do you feel something tugging at your heart? Are you wondering what your purpose is in life? Christ is the answer. Seek first the kingdom of God. Everything else will fall into place.
The greatest place to be on Earth is in the midst of doing God's will for your life. Pray that you are there and that His will be done. Live with the goal of someday hearing, "well done
Good and faithful servant'"
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