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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feedback Appreciated

Hey everyone,

I'm going a bit different today with this post. I would like anyone who is willing to take time to listen to some of my original songs, and rank their top 5 favorite.

My goal is to choose the 5 top selected and record them professionally. Currently, the songs are done with very basic recording equipment and so please judge on song potential and the song itself, not the recording method. Suggestions for additional instrumentation or general feedback for improving is appreciated.

The Survey can be found at the following link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KRF7L8D

You can use your computer and listen to the songs here : http://www.myspace.com/byerschris 

I selected 14 of my original songs for review on the survey. You can view the 15th possibility here,"Gethsemane", and write it in on question #2 if it fits in your top 5 as I forgot to list it as a possibility originally: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Gethsemane%20%28final%29.mp3?w=AACrgicCdQgK-Glx-QNS5fhlG-eTONONSjDcBFojdPY9iQ

I appreciate everyone who takes the time to help me out with this. Your feedback is valuable and important to me.

Thanks and God Bless!

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