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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Wisdom is not the same as Fear: A Message to Christians during Pandemic


Being fearful and being wise are two different things. It is not fear to wear a mask in public to protect others and yourself. It is not fearful to limit contact with others, quarantine, and otherwise avoid larger public gatherings. It is wise.

The government asking us to take precautions to limit exposing others to a sickness we don’t know enough about is not infringing on our freedom. It’s encouraging wisdom. 

Paul tells us not to create stumbling blocks for one another. Yet, how many Christians are politicizing or debating the reality of Covid for the purpose of building themselves up and trying to create division? 

Just because we can do something like foregoing masks or meeting again publicly doesn’t mean we should. 

If it may cause another person to stumble, damage our witness, or even just put us and others at unnecessary risk, we ought not do it. 

God can heal supernaturally, yes. Yet, more often than not, God also uses means available to us to heal and protect us. If I have a headache I take a Tylenol. It’s not fear or doubting God to visit a doctor, or to take precautions not to get sick. It’s wisdom. 

Why put ourselves, our families, and our friends at risk for the sake of hoping we’re “right” or so we can appear to be more “in the know”? It’s simple pride. 

Christ tells us to love one another. I can’t say I love my neighbor and then risk exposing them to a disease that I cannot know for sure I have or don’t have. We can avoid folks during flu season because we see symptoms manifest. Covid can be asymptomatic so no one can know 100% that they are not exposing someone.

Stay home! If you can’t stay home, wear a mask! If you can’t wear a mask, send someone out who can. If you are gonna be around folks, only be around those you know have been quarantined properly.

Churches, take your services online. Why risk in person gatherings? If you can only gather physically, wear masks and socially distance! 

Why are we going to test God when we have a means already of not gambling with our health? 

Love your neighbor, swallow your pride, wear a mask and take precautions.

Lead by wisdom, not by pride. It is not fear to protect others and yourself, it’s love.

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