Now, How many of you who claim to be Christian found this amusing? I am hoping the answer is none.
This comic represents just one other method of attack the secular humanist side of the world is lobbying against Bible-Believing Christians. To break this comic down, one could see it is full of inaccuracies regarding it's view of the Bible and God. Sadly, not many will be willing to break it down....I think i'll take a shot.
First, some background. If I were to begin by saying that there is Intelligent Design in the world, I will have already lost over half of my readers I'm sure. And I could live with that if it was just non-Christian people who wouldn't believe the Bible if God came down and told them who He was to their face. Rather, it's the Christians who would deny this principle that I have issue with.
Paul says in Corinthians we are to judge our fellow believers on sound doctrine and behavior; that God can take care of judging the non-believers for the time being. The reason that cartoons like this can appear normal to even Bible-believing Christians is because over time we have compromised our value system in favor of political correctness and general tolerance.
Christians who would still claim belief in the Bible's description of Creation (an account that can be backed with just as much evidence as any other system of belief), are laughed out of the room---often by fellow believers.
Paul says in Romans 14 that we are not to throw stones at each other over differences in practices, if the Bible neither commands or forbids said practices. In this way, I realize that the Christian faith's adoption of the theory of evolution as compatible with God's creation is not an issue that will define our salvation as Christians. Personally, I find much better explanation (Bible Based) with sites like
That being said, if Christians continue to allow the belief systems of the world to pervade their thinking and practices, we will likely be out of true, Bible-believing congregations within the next few decades. The world will take us over because no one is willing to stand for Biblical belief for fear of hurting someone's feelings or offending them.
I've said before that Jesus Christ was one of the most "offensive" speakers out there in terms of tolerance and political correctness. He called the world on its behavior and did not sugar coat his words in the name of equality and tolerance. Jesus also showed love to his neighbor. It is the combination that results in good Christian practices. We rebuke out of love, not hate. Some Christians have forgotten this.
If I tell you that Jesus is the only way to God, I am not saying it for you to take as optional, I'm saying it because Jesus said it. A Christian who denies this tenant of the faith, may as well go join one of the other false religions out there. We cannot compromise on these things.
If I tell you Jesus suffered, died, was buried, resurrected and ascended into heaven; and is still active in our lives today, as a person claiming Christianity, you better be saying AMEN BROTHER. These are non-arguable facts of the faith. Without them, you might as well call it "insert your name here"anity. Because that's exactly what is happening. You are putting your belief system and idea of morals above that of the God of the universe.
This is where we can take a closer look at the cartoon above and break down some of the inaccuracies of its view of the Bible and God.
1)All the evidence does not support evolution-
-I will be brief here so the non-believers still with me will stay for the whole show. Evolutionary Theory came about as a way of taking God and God's moral standard out of creation. Yet by looking around at the majesty of creation, and the complexities of life on earth, it is clear there was a divine hand.
What kickstarted evolution? And what kickstarted what you just said kickstarted evolution? And what created those molecules you just mentioned? The questions pile up and one is left with less solid fact and more speculative inquiring.
Christianity, and at the very least belief in Biblical creation offers the explanation. God, who is an infinite, eternal being that has always and will always exist, is outside of our space/time/universe in a way that it is conceivable for Him to create existence out of nothing. God is not bound by our laws--in fact, He created those same laws. This is a much more satisfactory answer because at the end of the evolution argument, the burden of proof will always fall on the evolutionist to explain who/what started the processes. Creation speaks of a creator.
Romans 1:20 "For from the first making of the world, those things of God which the eye is unable to see, that is, his eternal power and existence, are fully made clear, he having given the knowledge of them through the things which he has made, so that men have no reason for wrong doing."
2)God did not "Create" genocide and suffering
The cartoon above is happy to blame genocide and suffering on God, as if it was all part of the original creation. We are told in Genesis multiple times that God called the whole of His creation "Good" and even called the creation of man, "Very Good." What happened then between creation, and the worldwide flood? We DID!
God created non-robotic beings who have the capacity to Love him. We are endowed with free will to choose whether or not to love our creator. God designed us in his own image, full of attributes of love, and a clear conscience to denote right from wrong. When man disobeyed God in the garden, God's holiness made it necessary to move fallen man away from eternal life.
However, God knew from before creation that there was a plan, should man decide to choose sin over life. God's creation was very good until man sinned against God, by his own choosing.Over time the sin became so bad on the earth, that God decided to revive righteousness in creation by eliminating much of the sin element, and justly judging sin for what it was. He had already told man the penalty was death. God had given the world plenty of time to repent and turn back. The world (much like today) was resistant to the call of their creator, and instead worshipped creation as a god.
God didn't just bring a flood over the earth out of nowhere, there was plenty of warning. Even as Noah was building his ark, people had a decision to repent and turn back to God.
Romans 1:21 "Because having konwledge of God, they did not give glory to God as God, and did not give praise, but their minds were full of foolish things, and their hearts, being without sense, were made dark."
The world at this time was worse than in any other time in history according to the word.
-The flood came, and humanity began anew through another man whom God had chosen (Noah).
-Anyone could have turned to God through Noah's warnings (first prophet?), but instead they kept on in immorality and sin.
So, to say god "CREATED" genocide, is completely inaccurate. Man, through embracing of sin, chose to live apart from God in unrighteousness. To violate God's provision, and for that, they chose their own fate----even after REPEATED warning. Referring back to Romans 1:20---everyone sees evidence of God in creation, and everyone has equal opportunity to know the God of the Bible (and Christ, who is God).
Longevity of Life
3) Ages of men in Genesis-
Simply put, Man was created as an immortal being. In the garden, God's provision for us was eternal existence with our creator.
-By sinning (just as God warned) death and suffering entered into us, and the entirety of creation
-Sin did not just cause man's suffering and eventual death, but the suffering of the earth as a whole (natural disaster)
When immortal man became suddenly mortal, the life span of the time would still have been quite high. Our science and humanist belief systems of today would seek to call foul against people living to be nearly 1000 years old at times. But as the earth was still near perfection at the time, disease and death had not fully taken hold of creation---it was a gradual process.
Therefore, it is not out of the realm of possibility (in Biblical context) to accept Noah's age in the 600 range. Or even Moses living to 110. By Jesus' time, the Apostle John lived to be 100 easily.
-God controls our lives and our appointed time to die, is not something we control. If we are in God's will, our lives will not be complete until the completion of our purpose in glorifying God.
-Noah had a huge purpose from God and it is conceivable that without the full on disease of our day, God could have sustained Noah hundreds of years
Animals and the Ark
As an added note, Creation was originally created to eat vegetables and fruit, not meat. Animals were created "vegetarian" so the threat of attack of wild beasts to Noah would have been minimal--though once exiting the ark, God gave meat to man as food (genesis 9:2-3)
Genesis 1:29-30, "And God said, see I have given every plant producing seed on the face of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit producing seed, they will be for your food. And to EVERY beast of the earth and to every bird of the air and every living thing moving on the face of the earth, I have given every green plant for food, and it was so."
Genesis 9:2-3 ,"And the fear of you will be strong in every beast of the earth and every bird of the air; everything which goes on the land, and all the fishes of the sea are given into your hands. Every living and moving thing will be food for you: I give them all to you as before I gave you all green-things."
So considering this, prior to the global flood, every creature was vegetarian. After the flood, Noah has the fear (respect) of all creatures (including Dinosaurs -more in a minute), and is given meat as a food option from this point on.
4) Noah did have Dinosaurs--(alternate title: Chris just lost his mind)- So if you made it this far, congratulations, the Holy Spirit must be impressing upon your heart the truth of God's word---or you are gathering ammo for Facebook comment attacking me later.
If God created every beast, land and sea, and gave man dominion over them, this would seem to imply, that even dinosaurs were existing at the beginning of creation. This would coincide with the mention of a "behemoth" creature in the Book of Job
-Job is considered by most Biblical scholars to have lived in the "Genesis" timeframe, despite the Book of Job being placed later in the canon
The " obvious problem" then becomes how on earth did T-Rex fit inside Noah's Ark?
To be sure, this seems odd, considering the Sunday school pictures we are used to seeing of Noah's giant wooden boat. The actual dimensions of the ark, and consideration to the fact that it was not meant to be a sea-faring vessel, but rather a vessel that would withstand the flood waters, would indicate that it is quite possible Noah could fit the 2 of every unclean, and 7 of every clean animal in the ark.
The kicker is that the Bible never says Noah took the fully grown, adult versions of these animals. Therefore, it is conceivable that an adolescent (and peak of fertility) version of the animals could have been sufficiently small enough to fit.
As mentioned above, if it was after the flood that animals and Noah were given to meat eating, this would also explain how are "carnivorous" dinosaurs could be in the same "boat" as lambs.
The Bible also does not say anything against changes in a species over time. Noah could have taken the "dog," "cat," "monkey," species and over time, the variations and breeds could have developed. This allows for a more spacious ark experience, as it would not have been required to have one of every big cat, monkey, etc...but simply the primary "father" of the big cats, monkeys, dogs, etc...
So, we have shown then that Evolution (at least on the Macro scale and existence coming out of nothing without the aid of God) is at best an explanation/theory, not a fact.
-We have demonstrated Biblically how it is possible man could have had much longer lifespans in the past, despite the lack of our medical advances of today (needed because of the advance of disease and suffering as creation groans under sin).
-We have explained that God's original design was not with genocide and suffering, but that man disobeyed God and brought sin and suffering into the world by their free will and choice
-Their ignoring of God's loving call back to his morality was ignored, and justice was served (God is JUST as well as love you know, and sin cannot go unpunished).
-We have shown that technically it is feasible that dinosaurs could have been in existence at the beginning of creation and even through the flood
-We have shown how so many different animals could have fit in the ark (common dog ancestor bred other dog types over time after flood, etc...)
5) Extinction of dinosaurs/Fossil record- One final thought to the two of you who are still reading is this--
-The fossil record would seem to indicate a catastrophe that would have killed off many animals/plants at once. A global flood, quickly occurring, would have buried these animals in nutrient rich sediment, and preserved them in the fossil record. There needn't have been any other "Grand catastrophe" because the Flood of the Bible explains this. Over time Dinosaur's, creatures, and even Noah's descendants could have used land bridges and spread out like "evolution" would seem to indicate, spreading to all of the various continents.
A Call to Repentance
Science and the Bible in some ways are fine coexisting, though Christians would be wise not to accept the Religion of Evolution into their own belief systems. At best, use scientific evidence as proof of a loving designer/creator; a Creator who is personal with His creation, who designed it beautifully. Christians will know this God as Jesus Christ, who was and is and is to come. Secularists can call him "a being or thing of intelligent design," but they have to know in the back of their mind that the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, is the ultimate explanation for creation and scientific design.
If we continue to place our own set of morals and presuppositions on God, we are claiming knowledge higher than that of a being who has existed and will exist from time eternal to eternity future. Last I checked, even the brainiest among us couldn't claim divine nature.
Let the Spirit of God convict us of our sin nature. Let God's spirit manifest itself throughout creation, and even in scientific study. The evidence will always point back to God, if we take our own arrogant desire to be rid of God out of the equation. The evidence has been corrupted in many places over time to continue the lie that God does not exist. There are some checks and balances in the scientific community, but even a scientist with much integrity can still skew the results away from God.
I will close with the entirety of Romans 1:18-32 because more than many other verses, it acknowledges God's creation and plan, and simultaneously condemns the wrongdoing of man, all in one neatly written package by the Apostle Paul.
Paul was a great persecutor of Christians who had a major conversion experience and went on to become one of Christianity's greatest advocates. There is much evidence of his existence and writings, and the fact that a murderer of Christians became a Christian is evidence of the changing power of God on our hearts. The anger you feel towards me and God after reading this, is conviction of the holy spirit. We are all guilty of sin and wrongdoing (including me), and cannot find forgiveness and cleansing within ourselves. We need the sacrificial love of a God who saw creation groaning under the pain of sin, and chose to enter into history, and die sacrificially to appease the sin problem once and for all, if only we would trust in him. Jesus Christ is God and offers salvation as a gift to any who would believe.
If you won't believe because you feel you have too many unanswered questions, just know that the transforming power of God's holy spirit can fulfill that longing for answers. With salvation comes a new creation within, a desire to do the will of God who created you, and a knowledge that the scriptures are the inerrant word of God. Repent, turn away from wrongdoing, accept Jesus Christ as savior, and let God's peace which transcends all other understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
For more reference to the above discussions visit
Romans 1:18-32, "For there is revelation of the wrath of God from heaven against all the wrongdoing and evil thoughts of men who keep down what is TRUE by wrongdoing; Because the knowledge of God may be seen in them, God having made it clear to them. 20. For from the first making of the world, those things of God which the eye is unable to see, that is, his eternal power and existence are fully made clear, he having given the knowledge of them through the things which he has made, so that men have NO EXCUSE for wrongdoing. 21. Because having knowledge of God, they did not give glory to God as God, and did not give praise, but their minds were full of foolish things, and their hearts, being without sense, were made dark. 22. Seeming to be wise, they were in fact foolish. 23. And by them the glory of the eternal God was changed and made into the image of man who is not eternal, and of birds and beasts and things which go on the earth. 24. For this reason, God gave them up to the evil desires of their hearts, working shame in their bodies with one another. 25. Because of them the true word of Good was changed into that which is made, and not to him who made it, to whom be blessing forever. So be it. (Worshiping creation over creator) 27. And in the same way the men gave up the natural use of the woman and were burning in their desire for one another (homosexuality), men doing shame with men and getting in their bodies the right reward of their evil doing (disease). 28. And because they had not the mind to keep God in their knowledge, God gave them up to an evil mind, to do those things not right; 29. Being full of all wrongdoing, evil, desire for the goods of others, hate, envy, putting to death, fighting, deceit, cruel ways, evil talk, and false statements about others; 30. Hated by God, full of pride, without respect, full of loud talk, given to evil inventions, not honoring father or mother, 31. without knowledge, not true to their undertakings, unkind, having no mercy: 32. Who though they have knowledge of the law of God, that the fate of those who do these things is death, not only go on doing these things themselves, but give approval to those who do them."
If you read that whole section, you see that God made known in his creation and in knowledge of His word, who He is, and what is required of all of us. Most of us fall into the second half, ignoring God and giving ourselves into the pleasures of this life, and every depraved thing we can think of.
The cartoon which inspired this writing, should be offensive to the Christian person, strong in their beliefs. God is long-suffering, but will only give man so long to repent and turn back. We saw it with the flood, and we see it today with the delay of Christ's return. God is still patiently waiting on you to repent and know him in Christ Jesus. The extended gift offer does not last forever, though, and if the current state of our world is any indication, it may not last much longer at all.
Separation from God eternally is not what you think right now. It is not the desirable alternative to a 'boring' heavenly existence. It is in fact something we were not even created for--we were created for eternal existence of God. Even now, nonbelievers are under God's common grace. Imagine a world where God's plan did not exist, where God did not exist. I assure you it will be much worse than any possible thing you can imagine in this life.
Do not let your arrogance or desire to please PEOPLE instead of God, be your undoing. God loves you. I love you. There is no shame in worshipping the true God of the Bible. There is no shame in accepting God at his word, no matter how hard to grasp sometimes in our worldly minds. God will turn your hearts and minds to Him and your eyes will be opened to truth. And the peace which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, AMEN. (this is awesome for Christians to see) (this is awesome for Christians to see)
Great article! Really indept and informative. Love the Romans scripture. I'm gonna post it on my status