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Thursday, November 7, 2013
Birthday Thoughts
I typically use the time around my birthday to do what most people do around New Years; I think of goals and resolutions for the coming year.
To date, much like those with New Years resolutions, I have failed quite a few planned accomplishments. Before my 25th birthday I remember wanting to have an album recorded by that birthday. While I guess technically I do have songs, and could put them into a format considered an "album," the purpose was more to have one with sales.
Over the past couple years, I've realized it's really more important to set my goals/expectations in line with what God would have me to do. The best laid plans of man would amount to very little if God is not factored in. I have talents, and God can use those talents, but if I try to use them in a way that is not in line with His will, they may not come to fruition. Though it is true God sometimes will let us pursue our own will to learn reliance on Him, I'm beyond wanting to take that route.
I'd much prefer these days to just line myself up with the will of God and go. I had written a few blogs back about the peace in the silent time of my life. God is constantly growing me, in what I hope is preparation for service that uses His gifts He has given to me. Being able to lead worship at Amen Austin has been a good starting point for that. The learning how to lead, and how to implement and coordinate the worship music for maximum worship experience, is something new, but exciting. And, prayerfully, I am for now in God's will on that.
So God has been using my ability to play music and lead to serve Him. Is it possible there are still other avenues of service not yet explored? I would think so, yes.
I know in spring, if God wills it, I will be leading a team of people to Mexico on a week-long mission trip. Though our quick weekend planned trip for October fell through, it may have been to give more time to my training and growth within servitude of God. I am sure I could have led the October trip, but could I have led it in the way God intended? Of that I'm not sure.
All of these best laid plans, in many cases have not come to fruition through fault of my procrastination tendency. I am naturally good at putting things off until the last minute, and then executing as close to deadline as possible. It's a stressful way to do things, but managed to work through my college years.
Still, from a Christian perspective, I'm not sure procrastination is an expected virtue of which I should possess. Therefore, it is important as I grow in the faith, to examine this detrimental aspect of personality (or practice, as it may be). In doing so, I could be much more ready and prepared to go where God would lead.
In the past, I have fought this battle with procrastination by making lists of things to do. Whether just for one day, or for months at a time, list making has been my only means of accomplishing what needs to be done in a timely manner.
In this upcoming year, there are some events scheduled to happen; as well as, goals for myself I'd like to accomplish for which I need to start planning. So, the further purpose of this blog post, may be to simply lay out some things I would like to accomplish, whether for myself or others, in the upcoming year.
1. Spiritual Growth
There are many aspects of this for which I could keep learning and growing, but a primary area that I know needs work is my prayer life. In terms of sermon absorption/learning, I may be now in the realm of overkill (if that were possible), and my intellectual pursuit of the theological aspects of the faith, may at times overshadow the emotional connection that is so much of an important aspect. I need to reconnect with God outside of intellect, and on the level of communication, by prayer, daily Bible study, etc...
So, for spiritual growth, I shall:
-Dedicate more time to prayer daily
-Read at least some part of the Bible each day, and ideally, begin to work through specific chapters in addition to a daily, regular reading
-Continue to serve in whatever capacity God allows regarding worship leading, missions, writing, etc...
Physical Growth
I don't want to say Juliet told me so, but she told me so. I usually do well at just fluctuating physically with weight and eating right. I can go through nice phases in which I accomplish this to a high degree. But, it's not a permanent solution. Juliet is also trying to exercise more and eat better, but my lack of participation may be causing a lack of motivation in her unintentionally.
So, despite having healthy blood pressure, pulse and other essentials, I could certainly lose some weight and eat a bit better.
So, for physical growth, I shall:
-Try to run/excercise at least a few days a week to start, with intention to expand that into some form of daily movement
-Make healthier selections in terms of food and portion size (though, this process may be gradual, as many habits must be broken in their time)
Relational Growth
Juliet and I have a relationship in which we both understand each other fairly well. Still, there are many things we can work on together to fully experience the marriage on the level God intended. There is an element of laziness in my life, that may often bleed over into the relational areas (though certainly it hits the spiritual and physical as well), which I can begin working on.
So, for relational growth, I shall:
-Commit more time to Juliet, or take most advantage of time available with her that isn't interfered with by work and other activities
-Try to implement some romantic (catch her off guard) gestures, at least once in awhile, and preferably as often as is financially possible.
-Learn to love and/or continue to love her in the manner Biblically prescribed for a husband and wife who keep Christ at the center of the marriage
-Begin to pray more with her, and for her, and fully take on role as spiritual leader of the household (this would be helped by the spiritual growth section regarding prayer in general)
Occupational Growth
Work is one thing with which I never seem to be fully satisfied. I love my current job in the sense of what it is, but the mere fact of having to leave home, Juliet, other activities, to make money and work, is a downer to me (as I imagine it is to most people). I would love to have some sort of full-time ministry job, though the part of me desiring that probably sees it as more fulfilling and less of a "job," when in fact, I imagine even those in ministry occasionally have "job" aspects of the call that remind them of the old 9 to 5 days. To that I mean, work in general, is never going to be perfect in this world (though we were created partly to be workers). So, I must always keep Colossians 3:23 in my mind and, "do everything I do as if working for the LORD..."
In this sense, I could understandably remain in current position, making decent money, and fulfill the financial obligations of life. But, continually seeking to grow, even in a job not directly associated with my interests of faith, can be considered beneficial.
So, for occupational growth, I Shall:
-Look for opportunities of promotion or growth within my current position
-Look to find a means for Juliet to have a less stressful work experience, within what means I May have
-Continue learning, growing and serving in ministries outside of work, to be better prepared, should God move for me to make a change at some point
-Follow Colossians 3:23, especially on the days when sleep seems so much better than work
-Shine my light at work, and be a Christian example to my best ability for those around me who may or may not be of the faith
-Implement a good budget and debt reduction plan, to place some ease on the financial burdens for which "Working" is necessary to begin with
What I would Like to Accomplish
Finally, the section over which I technically have the most potential control. Though, this is also the section most likely to be ignored or overshadowed by the others. It isn't that any one section is more important than the others (save for Spiritual growth perhaps). But, the fact that the upcoming list for this section is "technically" optional, but in another sense, necessary for fulfilling those things for which I was either created to do, or simply would like to do
So, for goals to accomplish, I shall:
-Put more work into my upcoming book (for which the outline is making progress), and dedicate some time each week to work on it
-Continue to hone my music skills, primarily for use as as service gifts, but also, on the chance that my Christian album could still be recorded at some point
-Continue to blog, whether in a teaching or reflective capacity, for the benefit of those who continue to, or choose even one to read, in the hope that something could be gained from it, for their edification
And with that, my thought process for birthday 2013 (28th year), is temporarily complete. I may add to this mentally or otherwise, but this is a good initial idea of what I hope to finally fulfill over the course of the next year.
You are all welcome to help keep me accountable, and certainly to assist in any way possible. In the end, I submit to God's will for what the year may hold. I would pray it is one of continued growth throughout the many areas of life, and one of drawing ever closer to Him. For, at the end of the day, that is really the goal for which we should all draw towards. Working out our faith. Sanctifying ourselves daily for the glory of God and the kingdom. I hope I may be of humble service in these upcoming years. I may have wasted a good amount of my first 28 years in this regard, but I understand now that my calling is sure, and my salvation will endure. I will continue to pursue God, above all else, and let that pursuit, guide my other endeavors. May it be a blessed year for all!
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